Is "modem" important on the iPhone? -Why that I can't hear now | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

Modem plays an important role for smartphones, regardless of the iPhone.It is the core part that supports the role as a communication terminal, and the hardware (modem chip), which condenses its function, also affects the performance of the smartphone called the iPhone.

The modem is a device that converts analog signals and digital signals, and is placed at the end of communication using cellular lines.The spelling of Modem is a coined word that combines a modulation device (moddulator) that sends data and a reconstruction device (Demodulator).。

In the age of mobile phones, the modem has played a role in supporting various communication methods.For example, whether 3G standards such as W-CDMA and CDMA2000 and 4G standards such as LTE are supported by the terminal are determined by the mounted modem.

iPhoneで「モデム」って重要ですか? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

5G communication support is also realized by the modem chip, and the performance of the iPhone as a communication terminal is also affected.Depending on the modem chips used, the communication band (band) that covers and the ease of connection will change, and the battery of the smartphone is also affected.

The modem has an important meaning for the future iPhone.In the iPhone 13 series, third -party modem chips are installed independently of the SoC, but Apple is developing its own 5G modem.In order to push the iPhone further and miniaturization, it is likely to evolve in the direction of integrated with Apple -designed SoC in the future.

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