Doctors seriously explain "Tonutsu" with a hand sword behind the chubby, and the doctor seriously explains (Toshi Kimura) -Perspin -Yahoo! News

In manga, there is a scene where a sword is applied to the back of the neck and the person faints.

Are you really going to pass out with this ``suck'' ``ugh''?

If you live a normal life, you may not feel the weight of the human head (the part above the neck), but in brain surgery, after general anesthesia is applied, the head is fixed. When I need to hold it and support it, I feel like, “Wow, my head is so heavy!”

It is the neck (cervical region) that supports the heavy part so that it does not fall off, and it is one of the vital points of the human body.

The neck is made up of 7 bones, and the structure is balanced by the tension of the surrounding muscles and ligaments. It sends commands to the body and limbs, and conversely conveys sensory information from the limbs.

Will you faint if you give this nerve in your neck a "snap" from above your bones?

Actually, severe damage to the nerves in the neck, such as from a fall, can cause blood pressure to drop significantly. Extremely low blood pressure can cause faintness and loss of consciousness.

In addition, depending on the case, it seems that it does not meet the purpose of temporarily stunning because it will be so heavy that you can not move your limbs for the rest of your life.

Passed out with a concussion?

What about the upper part of the neck bone?

If you hit the back of your head, you may feel dizzy for a while and not be able to walk.

This is because there is a part called the cerebellum in the back of the head, and it is responsible for balancing the body, moving the limbs smoothly, and adjusting the direction of the body.

In front of it (further back) is the brainstem, the central part of vital activity that controls breathing and heartbeat. have an important function.

In animal experiments, stimulating this part can wake up from a "sleep state", and it is also involved in the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep in humans (1).

In other words, if you can target and stimulate this part, you may be able to lose consciousness.

However, fortunately, perhaps because the back of the head is an important part that is directly linked to life, it is protected not only by the skull but also by relatively thick muscles.

Actually, in professional wrestling or judo, if you hit the back of the head without being able to take a hit, you may faint, but even if you are protected by well-trained muscles, it is still a vital point. No change.

Also, even if you are not a well-trained athlete, for example, even an elementary school student may temporarily lose consciousness or lose memory due to bumping into the head during a physical education ball game. outpatient.

At this point, the energy of the hand sword is no longer there, but any part of the head can be knocked out if it hits hard.

Loss of consciousness is one of the symptoms of concussion. , and dizziness may occur.

In most cases, there is no particular problem with taking a CT or MRI of the head, but if you say, "So it's nothing at all?", that's not the case.

Concussions are pretty scary

It is rare that a single concussion causes serious problems, but it is known that repeated concussions can be life-threatening or have serious sequelae. It is

Mike Webster, an American football player who was active in the 1970s, suffered from depression and dementia after retirement and died at the young age of 50. The discussion became lively (2).

Repeated concussions have been reported to cause accumulation of proteins in the brain, similar to those found in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients.

“Hand knife behind neck Is it actually possible to ``Tontsu'', faint'' Doctor explains seriously (Toshiun Kimura)-Individual-Yahoo! News Can a doctor seriously explain (Toshiun Kimura)-Individual-Yahoo! News

In addition, it is said that when a concussion occurs, a "strain" occurs in the brain, and a new shock is added before it recovers, causing an irreversible (= incurable) disability. (second impact syndrome).

So, should we not play soccer, rugby, or any other sport?

Of course not.

After having a concussion, it is necessary to avoid the situation of ``suddenly'' hitting the head again.

Search "(type of sport) + concussion" to find guidelines on what to do if you have a concussion in various sports.

Since many of them are based on the results of the same basic research on concussion, the steps to safely return to competition and sports are generally the same (3). in short

(From "Guidelines for Concussion in Football")

In particular, when returning to competition for those under the age of 18, we give priority to schoolwork (rather than competition).

The following is from the Keio University Sports Medicine Research Center website

・In principle, the period of rest (sports suspension) after the injury is 14 days even if the symptoms disappear.

Considering that the brain is still in the developing stage, I will rest for two weeks.

・For 24 to 48 hours after the injury, both the body and the brain need to rest, so refrain from using computers, games, smartphones, etc.

・First return to school, then return to sports

School first, Sports second

・Return to school if symptoms do not worsen in daily life

Schools allow physical activity to the extent that reinjury is not expected.

・Excessive absences are not recommended as they lead to academic delays and isolation from peers.

If the return to school is complete and the symptoms do not recur, the return to play protocol will be initiated. (Four)

(end quote)

You may not notice it very often, but the screens of smartphones and PCs are quite bright,which is a strong stimulus to the brain. Since it is necessary to use a PC or tablet for remote classes, it is better to avoid using smartphones and other personal devices as much as possible.

On a side noteIt is known that operating a smartphone or PC before going to bed excites the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep and lower the quality of sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep lately, try not to look at the screen for at least an hour before going to bed.

Actually, a concussion is a trauma that can occur even in a normal life, and if it was a disease like "One concussion out!"

The brain has the ability to recover from a rare concussion, so it seems like a waste to stop playing sports because you worry about a concussion too much.

Lastly, it seems difficult to knock him unconscious with a sharp sword, but his neck and back of the head are weak parts of his body, so don't hit him even if it's a joke.


1. Mathias B¨ahr MF Junya Hanakita (translation). Brain stem reticular activation system.

2. Mike Webster. Wikipedia. Accessed February 19, 2022. %83%BB%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A7%E3%83%96%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC#cite_note-4

3. Guidelines for concussion in football. Accessed February 19, 2022.

4. Measures against concussion Sports Related Concussion (SRC) in sports. Accessed February 19, 2022. html

[This article is from Yahoo! The content was jointly planned by the news editorial department and the author, and was written by the author]

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