Cash clear procedure of iPhone-Explain how to delete such as Safari/Chrome by app

If you collect too much, your smartphone may become heavy.In the iPhone, the operation may be slow due to cache.The solution in such a case is to delete the cache.In this article, I will focus on the procedure of the iPhone cash clearing.

What is the "cash" of the iPhone?

In the first place, a cache is "data to be temporarily stored".By collecting the cache, you can open the web page once opened smoothly.The iPhone uses cache technology for browsers and apps, making the terminal operation smoother.

iPhoneのキャッシュクリア手順 - Safari/Chromeなど削除方法をアプリ別に解説

Difference between cache and cookie

"Cookie" is the same IT term as "cache"."Cookie" is a term that represents temporary file data like the cache, but the difference is to save.

The cache saves an imaging file embedded in the icon or a web page, but the cookie saves the user who accessed the web page.For example, when accessing a login -based site for the second time and subsequent time, it is due to cookies.

When should I clear the iPhone cash

The more unnecessary cache increases, the operation will be slower, and the original role of the cache, "opening the page smoothly", will be meaningless.If you feel the iPhone is heavy, do the cash clear frequently.


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