Kyohei Sakaguchi's "Manic depression University" Interview "Reading meds" given to everyone suffering from the waves of the mood

Manic depression is a constitution

――When it was uploaded to Note last year, I didn't read it because I had never been diagnosed with manic depression, but it was a big mistake.The ups and downs of the mood are more or less small for people.

――The “Part 10

The important thing is to use your own words

――In particular, manic depressed people (coined words of Mr. Sakaguchi, which refers to manic depression), always seems to be rating standards.


――I can't be honest.In the previous interview with "Cook", it was very impressive that Sakaguchi said, "I am a professional person."But Sakaguchi -san's level professional obedient is quite high.

――It seems that Mr. Sakaguchi has not been depressed for the past two years.

坂口恭平さん『躁鬱大学』インタビュー 気分の波に悩むすべての人に贈る“読むクスリ”

――Did it mean that something has changed among Sakaguchi -san?


――You are one -sidedly hurt yourself in the words of others.

Is Kyohei Sakaguchi a superhuman?

―― But after all, I feel that Sakaguchi -san can do this.

――It is a gift of continuation, and for Sakaguchi -san, daily routine is very important.On the other hand, there is a friend who has seen Sakaguchi's free, various activities and ways of life, and leaked as "regrettable."I feel like I'm denied that I have worked hard in my cramped way of life.

――Mis depression university is one of them.

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