[Interview] "Gran Turismo 7" Creator Kazunori Yamauchi Interview -Game Watch

The intention of producing trailers who are aware of numbering.Mr. Yamauchi "" GT7 "" contains "" GT SPORT "."

――The trailer released the other day was strongly conscious of the numbering title, and I was impressed to say frankly.I think it was a trembling trailer with an unknown respect for cars and carculture.Please tell us about the intentions and thoughts of this trailer.

Mr. Yamauchi: Thank you.I agree.This "GT7" is made for two different users.One is a 25 -year history, but it is a title that will be the best for everyone who supported the series.The other is that there are almost no social environments that are new car areas and new curves 25 years ago and now.

 We have developed one of the few opportunities to increase the number of new car fans by explaining the culture of cars that have been going on for 150 years from zero, thinking that "Gran Turismo" has been developed.The feeling of responsibility for the automotive culture or the automotive industry was also very strong.

 However, these two are actually difficult to balance.For those who know the car for the first time, I don't know what Sangoroku (Porsche 356) is, and Ice L (BMW I3) doesn't know what it is.So is Zet (Fairlady Z).But this kind of thing has to be explained somewhere, and on the other hand, fans in the series are more quality, reality and depth of gameplay.You have to provide such things.The two fusions were the big challenge of "GT7".

 I just said, "I felt the respect for automotive culture."It is a respect for automotive culture and with a great sense of responsibility.

―― "GT7" is the biggest feature of PS5, but please tell us about the challenge for graphics.

Mr. Yamauchi: The PS5 video game console was very easy to make, and we were able to focus on the expression.Also, for the late racing, which is a feature of PS5 graphics, the car is actually the most effective technologies.The car is very glossy and shiny.There are not so many products in the world, such as glass, painting, radiator grill, chrome plating, and such things.The comparison target is a quiet water surface or a window glass, and there are not so many shiny ones.That's why the car is very suitable for late racing.


―― I look forward to the implementation of the Light Racing, but the game fans are worried about where the late racing is very heavy, so where can it be used?

Mr. Yamauchi: For the time being, you can choose a late racing in the replay, and you can also see the stage demonstration and the garage that applied the late racing.

――Is it really applied while driving?

Yamauchi: That's right.As expected, it is difficult while driving.


――In “Gran Turismo Sport (hereinafter GT SPORT)”, you were very particular about HDR expression, but what happens?

Yamauchi: Actually, HDR was almost exhausted in "GT Sport" (laughs).In "GT7", the most advanced ones at that time are inherited as they are.

――I'm also very worried about the performance of the game, but please tell me how far you are challenging, including the frame rate.

Mr. Yamauchi: First of all, I'm going to realize a complete 4K/60fps.

――How about the 120FPS display?

Mr. Yamauchi: We are conscious of that, but we have no plans to support 120p at the time of "GT7" release.

――Is it possible to respond in the future?

【インタビュー】「グランツーリスモ7」クリエイター山内一典氏インタビュー - GAME Watch

Yamauchi: I don't know that.It depends on how far we can develop and optimize.

――How do you feel like Mr. Yamauchi?Do you want to challenge, or are you still staying this time?

Yamauchi: I don't know.In my development room, you can see 120p pictures.There is no doubt that it will be a different experience.However, there are almost no 120p -compatible TVs yet, and when I launched "GT SPORT", it was the same situation as there were few HDR -compatible TVs, so I would like to see the situation in the world a little more.

――What are your “GT” fans are worried about the driving model?For example, it was impressive that at the "GT SPORT" unveail event in the UK, the behavior changed significantly from the "GT6" and that professional players could not respond to the end,What happens in "GT7"?

Yamauchi: The GT SPORT London Event Physics should have been different from the final adopted figure.I think the "GT SPORT" figure was reasonable, but the "GT7" Physics started on the world tour in "GT SPORT" and Igor Hula (Brazilian racing driver (Brazilian racing driver).Like /e Sports athletes), they are real racers and the top players of "GT SPORT" have joined the family, so they are more accurate than ever before.I think it is.So driving should be very fun.

――Is it good to understand that the behavior has changed a little from the “GT Sport” as a result?

Yamauchi: Yes, it changes.It will be more intuitive and natural.

――Correspondence to DualSense is also a focus, but what kind of usage is used?

Mr. Yamauchi: The effect of DualSense is that there is a gimmick like ABS vibration by adaptive trigger, but the most important thing is that the stack accuracy has increased significantly, making it possible to operate as delicate as a steering wheel.That's what you say.That's a big difference from before.We use adaptive triggers and functional feedback.

―― Can you tell us a little more about what kind of experience will be possible?

Yamauchi: That's right (laughs).I talked about the stick, such as the state of the road surface, the rough feeling of the surface, the rugged feeling, and that kind of thing, and I just talked about the stick, but I feel like I'm riding a "better car".I think it will be.

――And this time it is also released on PS4.I think it was a nice announcement for the PS4 user, but please tell me how far the PS4 version will approach PS5.

Yamauchi: The same is true as a feature.You can enjoy the same thing with PS5 and PS4.The difference is quality.The quality of graphics and sound is still higher in PS5.And the overwhelming difference as a "experience" is the load time.

――I see, how different is it?

Yamauchi: I don't really feel loading when I play on PS5.

--Oh!With PS4, what if the current "GT Sport" loading occurs?

Yamauchi: That's right.I think it will take about a minute.

――Is it really zero if it is PS5?

Yamauchi: I think it actually takes about a second, but I don't think there is a feeling of loading.

――What is what you learned from “GT SPORT” and the part that influenced “GT7” from it?

Yamauchi: "GT Sport" is the title we learned what kind of landscape to create when the competition is performed in "GT".There were many discoveries there.For example, I had such an experience, such as seeing a relay and shaking my heart.Everything you can do with "GT SPORT" can be done from the beginning.And the usability part.For example, the usability of sports mode, the reliability of the network, the reliability, and those are improved.

――I see, all of the elements around the competition of “GT Sport” are included in “GT7”.

Yamauchi: That's right."GT7" contains "GT Sport".

――It's a symbolic word that contains “GT Sport”.I understand that.

【FIA グランツーリスモ チャンピオンシップ】FIA(国際自動車連盟)のオフィシャルイベントとして「GT SPORT」で実現した取り組みが「FIA グランツーリスモ チャンピオンシップ」。この流れは「GT7」に受け継がれていくようだ

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