"Internet Week 2021" conference opens online until November 26

Unlimited viewing for 5000 yen, you can apply for participation from now on

「Internet Week」は今年もオンラインで開催中(写真提供:JPNIC)

 The annual event "Internet Week 2021" for Internet engineers is being held online until November 26.The conference started on the 19th as the hands -on was held from 16th to 18th.

 This year's theme is "Tomorrow's shape", and the number of programs scheduled for conference is 33, a total of more than 37 hours.At 5,000 yen for the participation fee, you can listen to all these conferences programs.Participation application will be accepted on the official website of the event until 13:00 on the 26th of the last day (payment is only credit card).Sponsored by the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC).

「Internet Week 2021」カンファレンスが開幕、November 26までオンラインで開催

Flowering the Internet gene to the Digital Agency -Hiroshi Ezaki gives a keynote lecture

 On the first day of the conference, on the 19th of the day of the conference, "The Digital Agency's" Tomorrow's Battle "-Trow the opening of Internet Week-", the Digital Agency CHIEF ARCHITECT, Vice President JPNIC Vice Chairman Hiroshi Ezaki 25.The anniversary lecture was delivered.

 As you know, the Digital Agency has promoted more digital use in various situations, with the keyword, "Digitization that is kind to human,"There is a mission to create a good society. I take various measures for that, but the method is.

One of the major digital policies is that the Internet gene is exactly the same as the Internet gene, and that the digital office blooms the Internet gene.Of course, creating a "tomorrow's form" does not mean that the digital office is done only.I want to make a "tomorrow's shape" with everyone who is participating in Internet Week."

「Internet Week 2021」のカンファレンスで基調講演を行なった江崎浩氏(写真提供:JPNIC)

 In addition, on the 19th, DNS programs were intensively implemented on the annual "DNS Day" on Internet Week.At night, a BOF by the Japan DNS Operators Group is also planned.

 The following programs scheduled for 22nd, 24th, 25th and 26th next week are as follows.On the night of the last day 26th, the Internet Week 25th Anniversary Party will also be held.See the Internet Week official website for details of each session.In addition, an article introduces the highlights of Internet Week 2021 on JPNIC's official blog.

November 22

November 24

November 25

November 26

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