Instagram holds an event for creators - What's the secret to buzzing? Tosa brothers also guest appearance | My Navi News My Navi News My Navi


Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, who appeared at the beginning of the event, said, "We are always embracing the changes that are happening in the world, because the biggest risk for Instagram is losing to other platforms. It's not about the fact that Instagram is losing its relevance as the world continues to change."

On top of that, he explained that the influential entities are changing from "organizations" to "individuals". He continued that Instagram will also work on platform transformation while staying close to creators.

The next Instagram COO, Justin Osofsky, introduced that the Instagram platform has more than 1 billion accounts worldwide and more than 33 million accounts in Japan. He emphasizes that having this number of users has made it easier for him to express himself to potential fans on Instagram. “By the end of 2022, we will invest more than US$1 billion to monetize the content we create on Instagram and Facebook for creators who are driving culture.”

The event consists of various sessions, and the state is published as an archive. Let's introduce some of them. If you are interested, please take a look at the archive video.

The highlight of the main session is the collaboration with TV Asahi's popular program "Aru Aru Tosa Company 2". The Tosa brothers are a comedy duo who broke through with a certain high school story posted on Instagram, but the younger brother Yuki said about how it became a buzz, "When I had no job and was just doing the previous story, I had free time, so I chose a high school character. When I got involved with my older brother, he said, 'That sounds interesting,' so I took a video in the dressing room and uploaded it to my Instagram feed."

After that, Mr. Yuki said that he enjoyed it and uploaded the second and third videos. After reaching the level of several thousand followers, his growth slowed down for a while, but he said, "Even so, I continued to upload videos almost every day, and in about the fourth month, Ryoma Takeuchi, Peko-chan, and Akemi Darenogare introduced me. The number of followers has increased at once," he says with a smile.

From such an experience, I would like to say to creators who are currently sluggish, "When you find something interesting or delicious that only you know, people will ask, 'Do you know this?' So for those who are not responding and are thinking about stopping uploading to Instagram, I tell them, ``Be patient and keep going. I want to encourage you," he advised.

In addition to this, Instagrammer Neo commented on how to use SNS these days, saying, "On Instagram, I show my real, life-size self, on Twitter I use it for job announcements, and on YouTube I want to introduce a 10-minute or longer video. and express my world view on TikTok." He also said that when he wants to ask someone something, he uses Instagram as a source of information, where fans respond quickly.

Here, Mr. Ryosuke Ogushi of Instagram said, "The number of users has increased, and a lot of content has been uploaded to the platform. Today's Instagram has a wide variety of expression methods, and the buzz is 'suddenly' and 'gradually'. It depends on the person, such as 'to'." Regarding the reason why the Tosa Brothers and Neo-san went viral, he cited two points: "Continued posting" and "Understanding content that will please current followers and future fans." It was," he analyzed.

Instagram holds event for creators - The Tosa brothers make a guest appearance |</p><p>In a session where Mr. Koji Ayao of Facebook Japan Instagram Media Partnerships took the podium, he introduced again the tips to attract attention on Instagram.

In addition, as a recent update on Instagram, Mr. Ayao said, "We are working to improve the video ecosystem." As previously reported, we also introduced that from last week (in Japan and Indonesia) a test was started in which videos of 15 minutes or less were posted as reels.

After this, he explained that it is important to actively connect with fans and foster a community, and for that reason, it is important to be aware of two-way communication. Try it,' he explained.

What should I do to create a community involving fans? IBUKI gave an online lesson on Instagram live and answered questions while teaching choreography in real time. After the live stream ends, she posts dance videos with hashtags and also sends messages of encouragement to her followers who are working hard at dancing on Stories.

Instagram is currently developing revenue tools such as badge functions, branded content, shop functions, and in-stream advertising (domestic introduction timing undecided). Mr. Ayao says, "I hope that creators who think it's still too early to consider revenue tools with an eye on the future."

In addition, "It is important to actively connect with other creators. You can learn from them and exchange information. It is also good to collaborate. You can share your worries and maintain your motivation. We will be connected," he said.

In Mr. Ayao's session, there was also time to answer questions from viewers (creators).

When asked if it's okay to use videos uploaded to other services such as TikTok on Instagram, he said, "If you upload them as they are, the TikTok logo (watermark) will be attached. It's a specification that lowers the ranking.Currently, what users are looking for is 'content that can only be seen on Instagram'.It is designed to publish such content with priority." In addition, videos with low quality (such as blurry screens, rough audio, etc.) are also designed to lower the ranking. If you want to be seen widely on Instagram, it seems better to avoid complete reuse.

Regarding the secret to buzzing with the reel, "Interaction is the key word. It can be enjoyed in both directions. This project is getting a lot of buzz. It's follower-participation-type content." It would be good to think about how to get followers to participate, such as creating a video that allows followers to easily collaborate.

When asked if it would be better to show up, he said, "There are cases where illustrators who don't show up draw illustrations on live streams and get buzz. Even if they don't show up, there are ways to increase their followers. ” said Ayao. It's easy to feel a sense of closeness if you show your face, but there are many other ways to convey your personality, and I sent advice that it would be nice if you could feel close to me.

This is the main session that progressed in real time on the day, but you can also watch other on-demand sessions.

A mini session that explains the basics of the badge function/shop function is especially recommended for creators who are thinking about monetization in the future. Masahiro Ehara, a comedian, will also appear in the badge function session, and will give you tips on how to use the badge function, which allows you to earn money by having fans purchase badges during the live broadcast.

In addition, in the explanation session of the reel function, the local campione of the dance team who actually increased the number of followers by the reel will teach you how to use this function, and the actual creator will teach you how to edit the reel. Tutorials that explain, information on the latest notable creators using reels, etc. are also available.

In the future, Instagram will continue to send out information at events for creators, so if you're a creator who wants to get buzz from Instagram, be sure to check it out!

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