In the event of a disaster, the smartphone "about 5,000 units" can be charged!What are the cars equipped with a "emergency power supply system" that relies on "what if something"?

(From left) Yumiko Matsuura, Yuji, Akyo Yoshida.In front of Toyota's compact hybrid / new Aqua

災害時、スマホ「約5000台」充電も可能! “もしもの時”に頼りになる「非常時給電システム」搭載車とは?

September is "Disaster Prevention Month".JFN38 stations, including TOKYO FM, the largest network of radio, a disaster -resistant media, have delivered "tips for preparing for something" for a month.On September 26 (Sun), the special program "Listening Disaster Prevention Training -If Radio -Supported by TOYOTA AQUA" will be aired.Personality Eure and Akyo Yoshida have introduced "preparation for something".In this article, we will provide you with such a reliable car, a "emergency power supply system", which is standard on Toyota's compact hybrid and new Aqua.

Yoshida: From here, we will experience the "emergency power supply system" which is standard equipment for all new Aqua cars.We will talk to Yumiko Matsuura, Toyota Motor Domestic Business Division.Eure: The major feature of the new Aqua released in July this year is the "emergency power supply system". What is it?Matsuura: The new Aqua has an accessory outlet standard on all vehicles.In an emergency such as a power outage, if you use a "emergency power supply system", it will be possible to extract electricity to generate power with the vehicle running function stopped.Electrical products such as electric kettle and dryers can be used, and the car will be a "moving power supply".Eure: That's amazing!It's a very encouraging story, but what kind of thought did you have to equip this new Aqua?Matsuura: Because of the aqua that people all over Japan, we are particular about using the power supply system that is useful in case of something.Eure: I feel a strong feeling for disaster prevention.By the way, the new Aqua has an accessory outlet, which means, "You can use the electrical products you usually use at home!"For example, what kind of electrical products can be used?Matsuura: At the feet of the rear seat of the car, it is equipped with an "outlet" of the same shape as the one at home.When you say "take power by car", you may think of a cigar socket, but the cigar socket has low power.On the other hand, this outlet can supply power up to 1500W.Yoshida: Up to 1500W, it's a good power, right?For example, what can you use?Matsuura: Electric kettle, fan, IH rice cooker, smartphone, etc. can be used for "simultaneous" in a total of 1500W.Eure: That's a great power!This means that you can eat warm meals even in an emergency, and in a home with a baby, you can boil the water that makes milk.In addition, since you can charge your mobile phone by car, you can reduce the anxiety that the contact is interrupted and isolated.In the event of a disaster, it may take some time to recover electricity, but how long do Aqua's emergency power supply systems have?Matsuura: It's just a guide, but it is generally said that it takes about four days from the disaster to the restoration of power.With the new Aqua, if gasoline is full, you can supply about 5 days of power if it is a 1 -day consumption of 400W, which is considered to be a daily power consumption.It is equivalent to a smartphone charging for about 5,000 units, and a LED bulb for about 7000 hours.

最終更新:TOKYO FM+

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