In addition to "Maximum, Long Longesty," was also a companion that "swimming is the slower in the world"!

"A ferocious hunter swimming around the sea at high speed" ──Is many people have such an image about sharks?

In fact, some sharks are very fast swimming, and in the world of sports, a shark skin swimsuit for swimming has been developed with a hint of shark skin with less water resistance.。

However, according to recent studies, the owner of the world record, "the slowest fish in the world," is also a shark member.The research team of the Marine R & D Organization (JAMSTEC) succeeded in measuring the swimming speed, capturing the "sloppy shark" in the deep sea of Japan.

More than 18m long!

In fact, shark friends have various kinds of "world records".

The most famous is the "Rhincodon Typus), the" world's largest fish ".As it grows, the total length is 13m, especially large individuals exceed the total length of 18m.It is a size that exceeds the large route bus (total length 10 to 11m) often seen in the city.Even a newborn baby has already had a total length of around 60cm.


Although it is an overwhelming size, it is a giant shark, but his personality is very quiet and his teeth are as small as rice grains.Divers can swim together in the sea with confidence because they do not harm others.


The whale shark feeds include animal plankton, small fish, and fish eggs floating in the sea.Each creature is small, but it maintains its huge body by filtering and eating them in large quantities.

The style of meals is exciting, open a large mouth, and swallows a large amount of seawater to the bait creatures.

392 years old!What is the "world's best fish"?

Sharks have more than 500 species in the world of the world, some of which have a record of "the longest fish in the world."It is a deep -sea shark that inhabits the depth of 2992m, which is a SOMNIOSUS MICROCEPHALUS distributed in the Arctic Ocean and the Northern Atlantic.

ニシオンデンザメ(NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

The English name is "Greenland Shark".It is carnivorous and eats fish and squid, as well as seals.

Research teams such as the University of Copenhagen have analyzed their age of 28 Nishonden sharks captured along the Greenland coast, and published the results in the US science magazine in 2016.

When examining the age of the fish, a method of counting the annual ring of the "otolith" on the head is often used.However, sharks, which are cartilage fish, have no otoliths.Therefore, the research team estimated the age using the protein contained in the lens of the eyes and using the carbon radioactive isotope.

As a result, the oldest Nishonden shark (gender is female) turned out to be 392 years old.This is a record of the longest lapse not only as a fish but also throughout the vertebrate.This "oldest grandmother shark" has lived in the cold northern sea since the early Edo period in Japanese history.

According to the Guinness World Record 2022, the oldest person in history is French women, Jeanne Louise Kalman, who died in 1997 at the age of 122 and 164 days.In other words, the Nishon Den Shark is more than three times longer than our human "longest luxury".

A fish that takes 150 years to grow up

However, the longevity fish, Nishonden, is also a dangbery creature of extinction.In the Redlist of the International Nature Federation (IUCN), it is ranked as "vu".

Nishon Denken Shark is a huge shark, which is 5-6m in length and 1 ton weigh, but its growth is very slow.It takes 150 years for a female to mature.

For this reason, it can be said that it is a type of fish that is difficult to recover once the population decreases due to a mixture, overfishing, or a habitat of habitat due to fisheries.

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