How will Windows 11 change with the update in the latter half of 2022?(ITMEDIA PC user) --Yahoo! News



New UI of Windows 11 of Windows 11, which will be offered in the latter half of 2022

2022年後半のアップデートでWindows 11はどう変わる?(ITmedia PC USER) - Yahoo!ニュース

 Windows 11, which was launched in the rolling update method in October 2021, is 8 in versions of Windows 10..It was in early December of the same year that it reported that it had reached 6 %.At the time of the writing, the latest share has not yet appeared, but it is expected that the next Adduplex has reached the first half of the 10 % range.[Photo] While the extension support of the default "terminal" setting screen Windows 10 in PowerShell is announced as "October 14, 2025", it will gradually from Windows 10 to 11 in the next four years.Although the transition is likely to progress, Microsoft seems to be going to refresh Windows 11 in some aspects in 2022, which is the first year from the release.

Windows 11 to repain past heritage

 There are several points, but there is a topic of gradually replacing past "heritage", which has been cultivated in Windows over the past 36 years.In the Windows 11 Insider Preview "Build 22509", which was released to Dev Channel of Windows Insider Program on December 1st (US time)It is said that the detailed settings (Network Discovery, File / Printer Sharing, Public Folder sharing, etc.) are transferred to the "Settings" app.Even if you actually access the control panel, the opportunity to go back and forth between the two will be further reduced according to the settings that are automatically transferred to the setting application in the above settings.One of the Windows issues, which is a sober improvement but occurs after Windows 8 and has not finally been resolved in Windows 10, is gradually being solved in Windows 11.That's it.It was version 3 that I started touching Windows.After 1, there was already a control panel at that point.There is a site that publishes screenshots of control panels in Windows past versions, but the setting menu that exists since Windows was born 36 years ago, continuing to change shape.After a bold improvement of the interface (UI), after a bold improvement (it debuted brilliantly in 2012, but failed as a result), nearly 10 yearsIt is still in the middle of the road.In terms of "heritage", "Notepad (Notepad)" is also a long -lasting app.This simple text editor is Windows 1 in 1985.0の時代から提供されているが、実は最初のリリースはそれより少し早い1983年だ。 「Microsoft Mouse」の提供に合わせて「Multi-Tool Notepad」の名称でバンドルされていたテキストエディタがそのルーツであり、当時まだ「マウス」の存在も知らなかった人々が多い時代、先進的なツールの先駆けとして同年のCOMDEXで華々しくデビューした。 それから38年以上に渡って基本機能はそのままに生き続けているわけだが、新たに文字コードをサポートしたり、長らく変化のなかった「CR+LF」の改行コードで他のテキストエディタの方式がサポートされるようになったり、Microsoft Storeで単体アプリとして提供されることでWindowsとは独立してアップデートが可能になったりと、コントロールパネル同様に亀の歩みであるものの少しずつ変化している。 最新のDev ChannelでdeliveryされているバージョンのNotepadも大きな変化ではないものの、Windows 11に合わせて少しUIがリフレッシュされてDark Modeを新たにサポートするなど、地味ながら見た目の変化を遂げている。

次ページは:Windows 11でのデフォルトCUIとなる「Windows Terminal」

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