How to unlock when you want to revive your friends blocked on LINE

Have you ever added a corporate account to your friends on LINE, got a stamp, and then blocked it?

So this time, let's review how to unlock the block on LINE and how to block just in case,

[See] How to block / block friends

How to unlock "friends" blocked on LINE

I will introduce how to release when you block your friends on LINE by device.

* Used terminal iPhone SE 2nd generation (iOS14).3) Galaxy S20 (Android 11) Huawei Mate Book X (Windows 10)

【iPhone】How to unlock "friends" blocked on LINE

The method of unlocking a friend's block on the iPhone is as follows:

1: Open the LINE app and tap "Home" at the bottom of the screen.2: Tap the gear mark at the top right of the screen.3: Tap "Friends".4: Tap "block list".5: Check marks on friends who want to unlock and select "Unlock".

You should be able to unlock your friend's block with the above operations.Return to "Home" and check if the block has been released from "Friends".

【Android】How to unlock "friends" blocked on LINE

If you want to unlock your friend's block with an Android smartphone, operate it in the following steps:

1: Open the LINE app and tap "Home" at the bottom of the screen.2: Tap the gear mark at the top right of the screen.3: Select "Friends".4: Select "block list".


5: Tap "Edit" in the friend's column of a friend who wants to release the block.6: Select "Release block" to complete the operation.

If you want to check if the block has been released safely, check it out with "Home" "Friends".

【PC版】How to unlock "friends" blocked on LINE

To cancel the block on the PC version LINE, do the following:

1: Start LINE.2: Click "..." on the left side.3: Click "Settings".4: Select "Friends Management".5: Match the cursor to a friend who wants to release the block, click "Unlock" to complete the operation.

How was it?

How to block friends on LINE

You may want to block friends, such as a corporate account.In such a case, you can operate it in the following way.

【iPhone】How to block friends on LINE

1: Open the LINE app and tap "Home" at the bottom of the screen.2: Open "Friends" and press and hold a friend who wants to block.3: Tap "Block".

You can block your friends with the above operations.

【Android】How to block friends on LINE

1: Open the LINE app and tap "Home" at the bottom of the screen.2: Open "Friends" and press and hold the blocks to block.3: "Tap the block.

【PC版】How to block friends on LINE

1: Start LINE and tap the person's mark (see photo) on the right side of the screen.2: Right -click with the cursor with a friend who wants to block in the "Friends".3: You can block your friends by selecting "block".

Can you block your friends on LINE?

Even if you block your friends, your friends will not display messages such as "blocked", and will not be deleted from the other side of your friend, so it is unlikely that you will be bald.

However, even if the blocked opponent sends a message to you, there is a possibility that you will not be able to "read" or do not respond when you make a LINE phone.

why?A message arrived from a friend who should have blocked it on LINE ...

Basically, the message should not reach the blocked opponent.If you receive a message from the blocked opponent, you may be "deleted" instead of "block" in the following operation.

1: Open LINE.2: Tap "Talk".3: Press and hold a friend who wants to block and tap "Delete (Talk)".

If you are doing the above, you can only delete the talk history instead of a block.Whether or not you are blocked should be checked in "Home"> "Settings (gear mark)"> "Friends"> "Block List".

* Data was examined as of mid -January 2021.* The information is made to thorough, but it does not guarantee the perfect and accuracy of the content.* Please use and operate the product at your own risk.

Sentence / Ko Takamizawa

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