How to return a Mac to the factory [in the case of MacOS BIG SUR] | TECH+ Mynavi News Mynavi

MacBook Pro 16inch

The following procedure is to return a Mac to the factory shipment.

  1. ディスク(ボリューム)を消去
  2. Macに内蔵されている「macOS復旧」を使ってmacOSを再インストール

Returning to the factory shipment does not return to the same state.The operating system installed at the time of purchase is "OS X 10.Even if it is 9 Mavericks, if the current version is "MacOS 11 Big Sur", the OS will be "MacOS Big Sur" even if it is returned to the factory.

The work method differs for each operating version.The detailed method is collected in "Erase MacOS and reinstall -Apple Support", so basically work according to the explanation of Apple.

Returning to the state of the factory is also effective when malware infection is suspected, except when the Mac is sick.Some may have experienced credit cards illegally without knowing, but some of them are not aware of the information leak route.Macs are expected to have less malware infections than Windows, but there is still risk.Sometimes security software may not be detected, so you can rest assured if you return the factory and redo the setup and reduce the risk just in case.

Backup in advance

Of course, all data will be erased because the volume is deleted and reinstalled.Before returning to the state of the factory, it is necessary to back up for data that will always disappear.

The average portable type USB-HDD also has a number of terrimabettes.Copying the whole home directory is enough size.If you are uneasy, you may want to back up all the home directory below.In addition, if you do not know how to back up, or if you do not know how to restore from the backup, I think it is better not to do the work such as returning to the factory shipment in the first place.Talk to the service vendor, such as using the support service.

Return M1 Mac at the time of shipment

Work in a situation where you can connect to the Internet.

Macを工場出荷時へ戻す方法【macOS Big Surの場合】 | TECH+ マイナビニュース マイナビ

The first procedure to return to the state of the factory is different between M1 Mac and Intel Mac.At M1 Mac, work as follows (for MacOS Big Sur).

  1. アップルメニュー:「システム終了…」→「システム終了」を選択
  2. シャットダウン後:電源ボタンを押し続け、「オプション」の選択画面が表示されるまで待つ→「オプション」→「続ける」→ユーザーを選択→パスワードを入力→「続ける」

Return Intel Mac to the factory shipment

Intel Mac is as follows.

  1. アップルメニュー:「再起動…」→「再起動」を選択
  2. システムの再起動開始:リンゴのマークが表示されるまで「⌘」+「R」を押し続ける

Subsequent work is the same for M1 Mac and Intel Mac.

Erase the volume

Use the disk utility to delete the existing volume as follows.If you haven't backed up yet, restart and back up the data and then work again.

  1. 「ディスクユーティリティ」を選択し、「続ける」を押す
  2. ディスクユーティリティ:対象ボリュームを選択→「APFS」→「ボリュームグループを消去」→「完了」
  3. ディスクユーティリティ:「ディスクユーティリティ」→「ディスクユーティリティを終了」

Reinstall macOS

The operating system will be reinstalled as follows.

  1. 「macOS Big Surを再インストール」を選択し、「続ける」を押す
  2. macOS Big Surを再インストール:「続ける」→「同意する」→「同意する」→「Macintosh HD」→「続ける」… 指示に従ってインストールする

I don't think it takes time to reinstall itself.Complete reinstallation according to the instructions.Once the reinstallation is completed, it is back to the state at the time of the factory.

Setup with the first startup

If you start a Mac in this state, you will be set up for the first time like the next screenshot.Set up according to the displayed content, and finish it so that the Mac can be used.

When the setup is completed, the Mac will be available.

Run software update

First run the software update.Select "About this Mac" from the Apple menu.

Select "Software Update" and select "Update now".

From a security point of view, the update should be applied immediately.

I will continue to use the used Mac

After returning the Mac to the state at the time of shipment, I hope that you can do the first care by referring to "What you want to do first if you buy an M1 Mac [Basic] | TECH+".

If you buy and use both Mac and Windows, you will not usually return to the factory shipment.I think it doesn't do much for Advanced users who are familiar with PCs.If you need to return to the factory shipment, you will usually consider purchasing a new Mac or PC.

However, taking a method of returning to the factory may solve the problem of software.If you can use your favorite Mac so far, I would like to continue using it.I hope you know that there is such a means.

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