[How to get into the strongest brain activation in life] Awakens to the highest brain activity ever!Invented the ultimate training method (brain activation / awakening program)

Dream Art( 代表:岩波英知)は、50年以上に渡る実践的研究の末、独自に生み出した脳覚醒技術(脳内・無意識訴求技術)を用い、『脳を活性化させたい』『感覚感性を研ぎ澄ませたい』『創造性を上げたい』『直感力をつけたい』『集中力を上げゾーンに入りたい』人向けの『脳活性化・脳覚醒セッション』を開催します。

https: // www.kokuchPro.COM/EBB0762DB695C6BDAE343946090020/1680328/

(Schedule, details, experiences, fees, etc.)

The brain is dramatically activated, and the five senses, sixth senses, concentration, and head rotation also increase.

Compared to brain activation training and brain training on desk theory, we promise an overwhelming effect.

The brain can be greatly trained only through definitive sensation, stimuli and activation.


Why?The brain is not looking for a change.

Hmmo matter how much you need to change yourself.And brain activation training is because it allows the brain's shallow level to be blurred and cannot be enhanced to a dramatic brain activation experience.Then you can not train your concentration, memory, creativity, sensation, or intuition, and ends with a restful "brain activation pretend".



Hmmo one is surprised by the guidance technology that can only be done in the world, the overwhelming brain body feeling and effect.

So far, DREAM ART's brain awakening program

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/brain/

"I want to wake up my brain and go through," "I want to improve my memory, concentration, and sensory grasp power and get a genius brain," "I want to dramatically activate the stagnation and inertified brain."

"I want to activate the brain and sharpen my creativity, thinking, and intuition."

"I want to gain a spatial recognition strength"

"I want to awaken my senses and sixth senses, not the brain of theory."

"I want to activate" image brain "," sensory brain "and" art brain ""


Overwhelming experience, brain awakening physical feeling, brain activation experience

Everyone is instantly guided to the brain awakening state (super transformer state) of Iwanami -induced.It is possible to promise the best definitive sensation and effects in each life, and many brain scientists and brain surgeons, who are professionals in the brain, are also attending.Even if you have the experience of experts, something outside of common sense occurs, and I feel shocking.

DREAM ART received more than 350 customers' voices and experiences, and we regularly took questionnaires.From among them, I will introduce the joy of the brain awakening program.(Medical Doctor's 50s Men's Brain Activity Experience) There is no word for Mr. Iwanami's gods that let the human brain's mystery and explosive power experience various.It is a miracle experience that you can see, see, and realize your brain.

(Experience of male male brain activation experiences in their 40s) Since the first time, I have exceeded all my experiences in my brain. I don't think there is such a dramatic and clear answer technology. I was just wrapped in my tongue with the greatness and genius of the teacher, and I was overwhelmed. (Experience of male male brain activation experiences in a major employee) Only Mr. Iwanami is a genius who gives me an imagination or more. I think he is the best in the world in the brain. (Manager 40s Men's brain activation experience) First of all, your heart is refreshing. A supreme experience that emerged from the underwear. I realized that my instinct was stimulated and I had an explosive power in myself. surprised. It was a series of surprise. (Experience of male brain activation in the 30s in their 30s) It was like a dojo in a life that re -trained from the heart and the primitive and instinctive part in the brain. I think the only thing that actually guides the awakened state is here. (Psychootherapist's 40s Men's brain activation experience story) I heard rumors, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing. The awareness of life and work has changed drastically. (Experience of male brain activation in their 50s in their 50s.) Thanks to this, I was able to regain the lost power. I still feel that the change was not temporary. (Experience about female brain activation in the 30s in their 30s) Thank you for giving the opportunity to take a revolutionary session by breaking the type! (Doctor 30s Male Brain Activity Experience Experience) Iwanami -sensei was not wrong with the intuition that it filled the pieces that were definitely missing me. He really provided what I was looking for (neurotranship hormone, unconscious, and instinct regeneration and purification). (Experience about the brain activation of the artist in their 40s) Moya ... The brain became clearer, the brain became clearer, and the concentration and intuition became stronger in everyday life. I am still working on creative activities with the best motivation in my life. (Brain surgeon 50s Men's brain activation experience story) The first impression was that there was a person who could do such a great thing in the brain in reality. I couldn't guess the knowledge, and my brain experience was a miraculous thing for me. A mysterious brain experience that could not be obtained by meditation.

We have received the impressions of such customers.For those who are looking for a brain activation method that can enjoy the real effect, we will provide a genuine brain activation experience.

☆ Click here for specific experiences of the brain awakening program

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/brain#taiken

Iwanami was fascinated by the mystery of the brain

DREAM ART's representative, Iwanami, has been conducting research on "moving the brain and unconscious" for over 50 years.When he was a teenager, he read a hypnotic book and hypnotic to an elderly woman in the neighborhood, and climbed the telegraph pillar, fascinated by the incredible possibility of the brain and guidance technology.rice field.However, the woman happened to be one in millions of hints, and she does not respond at all even if she suggests others.Hmmevertheless, it was a trigger to go on the way to move the brain.

After that, even if I was taught by the best hypnotist in Japan, I found that I was guiding hypnosis in Sakura and Yarase, and I was shocked at a disappointing level even for famous teachers, and I knew the limit of hypnosis guidance.As a result, I decided to develop my own technology.If you do a person's manet, it will only be less than that person.Then I decided to make it myself.

Back calculation from the results of the development of technology that magically to the brain

Iwanami tried to assemble things backwards from the results.When the brain moves greatly, it is always dominated by great emotions and senses ... so, first of all, the emotions and senses should be guided to the absolute advantage.

The normal brain approach method (brain training, hypnosis, meditation, qigong, brain science, pharmacy, etc.) ends with just a "brain training pretend" feeling without breaking through human mental blocks and reason.

Iwanami thought about what people would never do, what he could not do, and he had no idea, and continued to practice.

Apart from your own will, brain and instinct hate change.Even if you try to change your brain, a person immediately puts a limiter on the brain, enhances mental blocks, blocks the subconscious door, and has nothing to do.To activate the brain, you can remove the limiter in an instant, release the mental block, and give a decisive experience that can make the subconscious look.



Surgery without anesthesia, an airplane arrival accident ... Iwanami's brain awakening experience and mysterious experience

Iwanami himself has been enthusiastic about breathing and imaging training to change the brain on his own.

I have done a breathing technique, and when I was young, I had done an incision of the chin without anesthesia (I made a drug on my own brain and made an anesthesia effect).

In addition, during the crash experience due to the influence of the volcanic eruption over Alaska, I felt a mysterious brain awakening body.Iwanami was prepared to die as all passengers panicked due to a sudden descent due to the engine stop.I have experienced my life in an instant like a running light, so I realize the possibility and mystery of the brain more than anyone.

From your own experiences and innovative guidance, you must start by making the brain enjoy the decisive and absolute experience, rather than spending time to activate the brain abnormally.From there, we continue to calculate back and continue the technology that can lead to brain awakening.

Most of brain scientists and subconscious researchers provide knowledge.In order to reach the level 100 brain awakening experience, practical researchers can only gradually deepen their degeneration consciousness, level 0 → 1 → 2.

There are no people who can imitate brain awakening technology

Iwanami can be applied to anyone who can induce 100 supercharge consciousness (= a state where the brain is greatly activated).


The answer is that the brain activation is to enter the brain awakening, not the theory or brain activation training.

I want to activate my brain, I want to improve my imagination, direct audience, artistic sensitivity, I want to improve my inspiration and concentrate, I want to improve my decisions and judgment ... I have a revolutionary technology that can realize these desires.I am.

Through this technology, I would like to contribute to society by increasing the number of people who are confident in their brain.

Brain activation training, meditation, potential development seminar ... The overwhelming difference from these is that anyone can enjoy the experience and effect of another dimension.

Everyone can reach the brain activity that does not reach even after tens of times.

Questionnaire for 303 customers ↓ 99.6%are evaluating

Originally, even the brain that dislikes the status quo and dislikes changes, the brain limiter comes off and the mental block is released before the decisive brain sensation.

・ I want to train my right brain in a short period of time

・ I want to improve creativity and imagination through brain activation

・ I want to activate the right brain, the left brain, the brain, the frontal lobe, and the hippocampus at the same time.

・ I want to improve my imagination and sharpen my sensitivity

・ I want to increase my intuition

・ I want to break through the feeling of stagnation of the brain and go through

・ I want to awaken the potential

・ Brain fog, the power of such a person who wants to eliminate brain fatigue.

You can also receive sessions from this program ↓

Dream Art Laboratoryについて代表:岩波英知50年以上に渡って、脳をダイレクトに変化させる技術を研究開発。脳覚醒技術を全国や海外から多くのお客様に適用しています。有名人、芸能人、医師、経営者から心理カウンセラー、会社員や主婦、学生に至るまで、課題を解決したい方に世界に一つしかない誘導技術でサポート。圧倒的な体感や効果の実感を提供。体験された方から大きな支持をいただいております。

東京連絡事務所(東京都新宿区西新宿)03-6416-0611大阪連絡事務所(大阪府大阪市東成区)06-6973-6100 https: // www.Mind-artist.com

当所概要:https: // www.Mind-artist.Com/Dreamart/Overview/

About Iwanami Wisdom: A brain magician, a consultant in the psychological brain called a genius.He has been interested in human immeasurable possibilities since he was young and conducts his own research on the brain.And he leads to the development of brain awakening technology that no one can reach.The technique and know -how are the best in the world, and the Iwanami's brain awakening program has a client who has heard the greatness and reputation from all over the world.

In addition to the technology, Iwanami's words have influenced many people with great stimuli.

*著作『奇跡の脳覚醒 頂点を極める脳覚醒』より抜粋

(In summary and report from the interview survey to customers who have been aggregated since 2008)

[Major employee 30s Male Sugimoto Purpose: Brain activation, ability development]

Mr. Sugimoto, an employee of a major company, has been a mania of brain activation, potential development, and direct -sensitive development since school days.He has participated in various seminars as a self -investment, but he seems to have been tired of knowing what he already knows every time he receives it.He could only teach the theoretical thing, meditate, breathe in the name of the subconscious, and emotional emotional training for the purpose of collapse of the ego, and it was not easy.The frustration has accumulated every time, "Is this level?"



[Artist 40s Female Hmm.Y.Purpose: Brain activation, internal world pursuit, meditation effect awakening]

He was active as an artist in Japan and overseas, and received numerous awards Hmm.Y.He always had the desire to develop more creativity, change the subconscious, and to fully use the right brain and sensitivity.I felt that my concentration and creativity were declining behind it, and my motivation was falling more than before and I felt a slump.


He studied with a famous expert in Japan and the world, but he couldn't meet anyone who felt genuine genuine even after more than a dozen years.

Meet Iwanami's technology Hmm.Y.I was surprised that the effect of the effect was definitely different.Finally, the trial and error continued, and he felt that the hardships were rewarded.

Hmm.Y.As an effect you felt

・ The brain was completely cleared and a clear feeling -The brain was clear, the brain that was not working was active ・ The concentration has risen the most in my life.It is said that the power has also increased, the highest creative motivation and the no tiredness.

[Management (living overseas) Women in their 40s Watanabe Purpose: I want to master brain activation, development, and meditation]



There were parent -like repression experiences and frustration in human relationships, and while being active as a manager, there was a burden that could not be penetrated, and was mentally stalled.

Compared to those who were excited and successful in the managers who were exciting and successful, I was irresistible to have a fear of fear of failure.

It is said that the struggle from overseas from the first time was rewarded.As I went there many times, my brain awakening suddenly deepened.The block was dramatically released, and he woke up with the feeling of doing anything.I was very pleased to discover myself for the first time with such power, faced the sleeping power and noticed.


[Purpose of Women in the 60s Inoue: Experience of the frontal lobe / brain activation experience]

Inoue, who lives in Hokkaido, was a person who did his job when he was young, and was confident in his judgment, memory and decision -making.However, his autonomic nervous system was lost and menopause, and he began to feel brain fatigue, hayama, malaise, and lack of concentration.

Due to a decrease in judgment and memory, I was shocked by my current self, which is different from the past.Lost confidence in accumulated, and exercising and exercising for the frontal lobe and hippocampus has no effect.

Even if I changed the hospital at nine, I was not dementia, I couldn't understand the situation where my brain was weakened, and I was just disappointed.After that, he went to private therapy, but he lost a lot of money.

At that time, I heard the term frontal lobe atrophy and brain atrophy, and began to think that everything was going to be successful due to stress and worries.

Inoue received a brain awakening program because of his friend's introduction.He said that he was absolutely unpleasant to live with his rest of his life with atrophy, and he was prepared to go from Hokkaido to Tokyo and Osaka, so he said that he worked on the program with the last defeat.。

The first thing I realized was that my brain was getting lighter.The writhing mental state and the cursed brain gradually became free, and my head became solid as in the past.He digested spicy repressed emotions, could regain good emotions and excitement, and brain fatigue and brain fog, which could not be erased elsewhere.

Mr. Inoue had a fear that his short -term memory was particularly reduced, and that it would be blurred in this way.It was clear that his brain was completely cleared, and his memory was greatly improved and anxiety was lost.He is said to have acquired video memories as a by -product of brain awakening technology.


☆ The experiences of the brain awakening program participants are also posted here ↓

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/brain/#taiken

Click here for brain activation / brain awakening session (implementation date, details, fare, etc.)

https: // www.kokuchPro.COM/EBB0762DB695C6BDAE343946090020/1680328/

Brain Awakening Program (Official. You can also receive sessions from here)

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/brain

Iwanami's words and lectures (many brain activation methods are also posted)

https: // www.Mind-artist.This M / Kotomama

[Implementation overview]

Event name: Brain activation / brain awakening session

Venue name: Tokyo Nishi -Shinjuku venue, Osaka Morinomiya venue

Access: 7 minutes walk from the south exit of JR Shinjuku Station, 6 minutes walk from Morinomiya Station on the Osaka Loop Line

Date and time: Weekdays except Tuesday and Friday, and on Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30 and about 3,4 hours

The Osaka venue will be held in the Tokyo venue in the odd month

How to apply: The following email form is certain

☆ Click here for inquiries about brain activation / brain awakening session

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/Consult-contentact/

We accept inquiries by phone

08033820774 Please feel free to contact us.The person in charge of the brain activation method is familiar with the Iwanami's brain awakening technology.

Click here for DREAM ART official website

https: // www.Mind-artist.COM/

About the questionnaire targeted on this site

・ Those who have received a brain awakening program more than 5 times.Including graduates

・ In the past, those who have been training in the brain and spiritual world such as coaching, self -development, ability development, meditation, mindfulness, subconscious work, spiritual work.

・ Occupation that answered the questionnaire: Management, doctor, certified psychologist, professional / professional, Qigong master, spiritual therapist, hypnotherapist, entertainment personnel, individual business owners, office workers, housewives, entrepreneurship preparationMiddle

・ Men and women ratio (male: 156 women: 147)

・ Data aggregation period 2020 7/4 ~ 2021 12/27

Announcement of experiences and impressions of brain awakening state ↓

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