How much is the electricity on TV for a year? Introduce different sizes of electricity charges and saving methods-how much is the power generation of electrical appliances? (2) | my navigation news

How much is the electricity charge for the TV?

How much is the electricity charge for the TV set?

To know the electricity bill of your TV, please check the "power consumption" of the TV and the "electricity unit price" of the contracted power company. The power consumption of the TV set is recorded in the main body of the TV set or in the instruction manual in terms of "W" or "kW". The unit price of electricity can be confirmed on the detailed list of electricity.

It is worth mentioning that there are two kinds of TV power consumption: "rated power consumption" and "standby power consumption". Rated power consumption is the maximum amount of electricity consumed when it is used. On the other hand, standby power consumption refers to the power consumption when the TV is not turned on but there is a main power supply. If you want to know the electricity bill when turning on the TV, please watch "rated Power consumption". So, use the unit price of power consumption and electricity to calculate the electricity bill of the TV. When you turn on the TV for 1 hour, the electricity bill can be calculated by the following formula.

Electricity charge per hour = electricity consumption (W) / 1000 × 1 (usage time) x electricity charge per 1kWh if "kW" is displayed, power consumption (KW) × 1 (use time) × 1kWh electricity charge

For example, in a 40V TV set with a rated power consumption of 82W, if the unit price of the contracted power company is 27 yen per 1kWh, it is "82 / 1000 × 1 × 2702.214", and the electricity charge for installing a TV set for one hour is about 2.2yen.

The electricity charge for TV varies according to the type of TV (LCD TV, plasma TV, etc.), image resolution and size (size).

Therefore, with reference to the "Energy Saving Product Information website" of the Department of Resources and Energy of the Ministry of economy, Industry and Industry, the electricity charges for each size of LCD TV and plasma TV are summarized (the unit price is 27 yen / 1kWh).

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* recorded in the order of TV size, annual power consumption (average in parentheses) and annual electricity charge

18V 19V 23~65kWh (34.8kWh) about 940 yen 24 type 30~65kWh (43.4kWh) about 1172 yen 32 type 30~76kWh (56.5kWh) about 1525 yen 40 type 46~143kWh (82.8kWh) about 2236 yen 42.43 type 75~165kWh (106kWh) about 2862 yen 49 type 96~175kWh (136.9kWh) about 3696 yen 50 type 88~210kWh (134kWh) about 3618 yen 55 type 99~245kWh (155kWh) about 4185 yen 60 yen 168~334kWh (251.8kWh) about 6798 yen 65 101~329kWh (197.2kWh) about 5324 yen

0~195kWh (152kWh) below 42V about 4104 yen 46V 151~202kWh (180kWh) about 4860 yen 50V 148~249kWh (181kWh) about 4887 yen

Compare similar sizes and you will find that LCD TVs are cheaper than plasma TVs. This is because LCD TVs consume less power. It should be noted that as of 2021, the production of plasma TVs has been completed in most manufacturers. Therefore, for plasma TVs, we are based on the 2012 data.

Save the electricity bill of the TV set

The electricity bill on TV is not very high. However, if you are completely unaware of saving, you will spend wasted electricity bills. How can we save the electricity bill for TV?

The basic thing is, first of all, turn off the TV when you are not watching and don't hang it all the time. If the TV has an "automatic shutdown" function, it is also good to make full use of it.

In addition, because the standby power will be consumed when it is not turned on, it is best to cut off from the main power supply when the house is vacated for a long time. However, there are also models that cannot book videos and automatic downloads of programs without the main power supply, please pay attention.

Adjusting the brightness of the screen also helps to save electricity bills. Most recent televisions adjust the brightness of the picture according to the brightness of the room, but there are also cases where the mode is turned off. Let's check the settings.

In recent TV, there are many models with multiple energy-saving functions. For example, as mentioned above, in addition to the function of automatically adjusting the brightness of the picture, there is also the function of automatically turning off the power supply when the remote control is not operated or there is no one in front of the TV set for a certain period of time.

Using these functions, there is no need to adjust the brightness of the screen and turn off the power supply, so it will be saved naturally. Easy to use energy-saving function, please turn it on.

The old TV set consumes a lot of electricity and costs a lot of electricity. On the other hand, the new TV is also equipped with many energy-saving features to control the electricity bill. If you are using a TV from more than a decade ago, consider replacing it decisively.

Re-examine the energy-saving function of TV

Recently, the time at home has become more and more. Accordingly, the time spent watching TV has become longer. If you switch to a new TV, you may save money on electricity, but first of all, you can re-examine the energy-saving features of existing televisions. Even if it is only the active use of unused functions, it can also curb the electricity bill.

Refer to the Department of Resources and Energy of the Ministry of economy, Industry and Industry: energy-saving product information website

Financial planner (AFP), a staff member of an online entrepreneurial consulting firm, felt the need for money knowledge and obtained the qualification of AFP (recognized by the FP Association of Japan). Write seminars and currency columns as financial planners in two-legged straw sandals. After independence, while conducting online entrepreneurial consultation, we should focus on writing and personal currency consultation.


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