How much is the annual income of a sales job?Comparison with average annual income in Japan (Financial Field) --Yahoo! News



How much is the annual income of a sales job?Comparison with the average annual income of Japan

How much is the annual income of a sales job?Comparison with the average annual income of Japan(ファイナンシャルフィールド) - Yahoo!ニュース

In many cases, sales professionals have introduced incentives, and there is a big difference in annual income for each person."Is the salary higher than other jobs or can you earn in the first place?"In this article, we will introduce the types of sales staff and how much annual income is.If you want to challenge a sales job, please take a look.

How much is the annual income of a sales job?

In a nutshell, there are a variety of occupations, so the details of the work vary depending on the company. It is said that the average annual income for the whole sales job is about 48 to 5.6 million yen, so it was found that the average annual income in Japan was slightly higher than the average annual income of 4.33 million yen. So how much is the average annual income of sales staff for each industry? Let's take a look at the average annual income of three sales staff: real estate -related, car -related and medical system. ■ Basic salary of real estate -related real estate -related sales professionals is not significantly different from other industries, but due to high incentives, it may exceed 10 million yen per year. Therefore, the average annual income is different from 450 to 10 million yen or more. In particular, in the case of a company that handles high -end properties and a full -time sales job, the annual income tends to increase. If you want to challenge a sales job with the aim of high income, real estate -related. ■ Automotive sales staff -related sales staff are the same as real estate -related sales, and the average annual income is 450 to 10 million yen or more. Depending on the car manufacturer you handle, many contracts may be expected. However, once you buy a car, you will generally do not buy a new customer for more than a few years to 10 years, so you will need to earn incentives by securing new customers. It is suitable for those who can actively operate from themselves. ■ The average annual income of medical sales medical sales staff is around 570 to 6.5 million yen. Because of the high -priced commissions are often set up, the annual income tends to be high. Medical products are often operated by existing business, so the closing rate is high. Many people may think that it is easier to work than sales staff who need new customers. However, there are many cases where you need specialized knowledge about medical care, and if you do not study well, you will make a difference from the surroundings.


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