How many contracts are POVO?Do you increase the pack plan more?――KDDI President Takahashi Answer (January 2022)



President Takahashi who responds to questions from the press

 On January 28, KDDI announced the consolidated financial results for the third quarter of FY2021.In the cumulative total from the first quarter, the decline in multi -brand communication ARPUs was covered by group MVNO income and roaming income, and the growth area has been steadily increased.It is expected to be.[Image] The cumulative sales of 5G smartphones are 6.2 million units as of the end of December 2021, and in this article, we will introduce the notable exchanges held in a question -and -answer session at the financial statements held on the same

povoはどのくらいの契約数? パックプランはもっと増やす?――KDDI高橋社長一問一答(2022年1月編)

Definition of terms

・ Multi -brand communication ARPU: Average income per user in handset (mobile / smartphone) in “au”, “UQ Mobile”, and “Povo” directly managed by KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Phone ・ Run a mobile communication service as MVNOKDDI group companies (Big Lobe, JCOM, Soracom, etc.) ・ Rolling income: Income from Rakuten Mobile's roaming service

UQ Mobile and Povo are "totaling 500 hundreds of thousands"

――It says that the multi -brand strategy contributed to the net increase in “Group ID” ( * 1), but specifically, which brand or plan contributed? On the other hand, the cancellation rate seems to be slightly higher, but please tell us about the correlation with the group ID. ( * 1) AU, UQ Mobile, Povo 3 brands and group MVNO contract lines are named in the ID (name) Pure contractor Kasa Takahashi President Takahashi President Takahashi In the third quarter Then, I was able to return the tendency (until now) to the net increase. At first, I thought that about 10 % of au users will move to Povo and UQ Mobile, mainly for customers who emphasize cost, but the sales of "au support" and the sales of iPhone were successful. (The user to migrate) was less than 10 %. It means that many people stayed with au. On the other hand, UQ Mobile and POVO are steadily increasing the number of contracts, and have been lifting up to about 50,000 contracts in the sum of both brands. UQ mobile has exceeded 4 million contracts, and POVO has exceeded 1 million contracts. I think it's going well. Customers who migrate from UQ Mobile to au are about 2 compared to the previous year..It is 6 times. 60 % of customers who contract au 5G are choosing unlimited plans (unlimited use MAX 5g / data MAX 5G series). If you look at it in this way, I think it would be nice if you could understand that the "circulation" between au and UQ Mobile and Povo is starting to work very well. It is true that the cancellation rate has risen slightly, but I do not think this is a serious situation. In particular, au has been due to intense competition with other businesses in December. As a whole, it seems that Momentum is recovering. ――It there was a story that “POVO has exceeded 1 million contracts”, but I think the same was said at the previous financial results briefing. Could you explain the numbers a little more in detail? The detailed number of contractors of President Takahashi POVO is not disclosed. Povo1 after breaking through 1 million contracts in the previous quarter.0 (initial POVO) has decreased slightly, Povo2.0 (current POVO) has increased quickly.(POVO1.0 and 2.In addition to 0), is it 100,000 contracts?POVO2.0 has just begun and started a new commercial on January 27."#Giga activity" has also become active, so I hope you can expect future developments.


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