How do you shoot a Mac screenshot? --Mac you want to know about Mac | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

If you master your Mac, you will be able to do all of your work and hobbies.In this series, I would like to lecture on the basics of the Mac basics based on questions from beginners.This time, I will explain keyboard shortcuts such as screenshots.

The Mac keyboard is slightly different from Windows.By the way, what is the mechanism?

First of all, the basics of the Mac keyboard command are "⌘ key (command key)".It is a Windows Control key, but it may be difficult to understand because the Mac keyboard also has a Control key.The Mac Control key has another function.

Macのスクリーンショットってどうやって撮るの? - Macのここが知りたいQ&A | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

Here are some basic shortcuts.

・ Duplicate data “Copy (⌘ + C key)” ・ Move data “Cut (⌘ + X key)” ・ “Paste (⌘ + V key)” to convert the duplicated data.

As you can see, it is basic to add and use a keyboard and some keyboard.These keyboard shortcuts have a keyboard shortcut on the back of the item when the menu on the menu bar is opened.

Shortcuts that are not displayed here can be confirmed and set in the "Shortcut" item in [System Environment Settings] - "Keyboard".

For example, the screenshot will be SHIFT + ⌘ + 3 keys.

Let's learn the symbols displayed here.Each symbol indicates the key, ⇧ refers to shint key,^is a Control key, and ⌥ is an option key.

The keyboard shortcut can be changed.Click the displayed shortcut to be selected, so if you press the keyboard with the combination you want to change there, you can change it with that combination.However, be aware that the shortcuts are not used if they are dubbed with other things.

If you want to forcibly terminate the application, call from the keyboard shortcut.If you press the ⌘ + ⌥ + ESC (Escape) key at the same time, a window called “Forced Application” will be displayed, select the application there and click the “Forced End” button to finish.

The MacBook Pro has a touch keyboard with an LCD display called Touch Bar.The display changes according to the usage status.For example, function keys that determine the function key (F1 to F12) and the brightness of the LCD and the brightness of the keyboard are displayed differently depending on the application used.

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