[Sherlock Holmes] what is the ancillary project in the ordered house? Provide details and standards of fees required outside the building | useful information about residence

What are the details of ordering a housing quotation?

The quotation of newly-built housing order is mainly divided into three items: physical project cost and incidental project cost, various funds.

When comparing the quotation, you need to confirm the details of these items to determine whether the solution you want is included or whether the construction content is missing.

The cost of the main project, as the name implies, is the project needed to build the main body of the house, accounting for 70% of the total cost. 80% is the market. The basic engineering and structure of the house, the project spent on the equipment and the labor cost of the engineering company are the main contents of the cost of the ontology project.

The incidental project fee refers to the project fee other than the building such as gas project and outdoor water supply and drainage project. 15% or 20% of the total cost is the market.

In addition, all kinds of funds are application procedures and taxes, and 5% to 10% of the total cost is the market.

What are the main contents of the project fee attached to the ordered room?

The main details of the incidental works costs for ordering residential buildings are as follows:

Main breakdown of incidental project cost

According to the housing manufacturers and industrial shops entrusted with the construction, the treatment of the incidental project fees is also different, and the following projects are also included in the incidental works.

The projects related to lighting, curtains and other interior decoration are generally included in the "electrical equipment project", "lighting equipment project" and so on, but they are also treated as incidental project fees.

Confirm the details of the main project cost and the incidental project cost in the quotation, and compare the total cost.


What is the cost standard of the project fee attached to the order room?

According to the "order and the report on the trend of the Housing Market in 2000" issued by the Ministry of Land and Transport, the national average of land purchase funds and residential construction funds is 46.04 million yen.

The incidental project cost accounts for about 20% of the total cost, and if calculated on the basis of the national average, the incidental project cost alone will cost more than 9 million yen.

If you want to slightly control the incidental project costs, it is very effective to choose more land, lighting fixtures and curtains that are not needed for the demolition project, and to choose the grade of the external cost within the budget.

As for the cost of foundation reinforcement, if it is not considered necessary, it will not be incurred, so it is necessary to carefully confirm the conditions for the construction of the house.

* the decree of the Ministry of Land and Transport and the investigation report on the trend of the Housing Market in 2000

What are the main points of the budget for deciding to order housing?

The attraction of ordering housing is the high degree of design freedom, but accordingly, the budget is also likely to increase. The focus of the budget decision is to develop an adequate funding plan.

How much money you can prepare is also an important factor, but don't spend all your money on the down payment. Decide your budget on the basis of savings in case.

In addition, in the case of mortgage loans, it is very important to choose a reasonable loan amount and repayment methods.

There is no obstacle to life if the amount of the mortgage loan is, and it is important to understand the criteria through simulation when deciding on the budget.

In LIFULL HOME'S 's mortgage simulator, you can estimate the criteria for your home purchase budget by entering simple conditions such as age and annual income.

First of all, imagine the specific figures in the simulation and find ways to control them within the budget on the basis of mastering the details of the cost.

According to the Ling he Annual Housing Market trend Survey report, the average mortgage repayment period for buyers with land orders is about 34 years. In order to pay off the loan, it is important to set a reasonable amount in the long term.

In addition, the national average annual repayment of the ordered residence is 1.247 million yen, or about 104000 yen per month, and the repayment burden rate (annual income accounts for the annual repayment) is 17.9%.

Although the financial institution of the loan determines the limit of the repayment burden rate, if it can be controlled within 20% to 25%, it is likely to continue stable repayment.


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