[Hirotra] How to take over data and precautions

Introducing how to take over the data of Hirotra (my hero academia Ultra Impact).The precautions of data linkage are also posted, so please refer to it when checking the data transfer method.

How to take over data

Data transfer procedure

  1. ゲーム画面左下の「メニュー」
  2. 画面右の「引き継ぎ」
  3. Succession registration
  4. Log in with bnid
  5. メールアドレスとパスワードを入力
  6. 新規登録(BNID未登録の場合)

Select a menu

First, let's select the "menu" at the bottom right of the game screen.

If you select, it will switch to the game setting screen and the handover selection screen.

Select a takeover

After switching to the setting screen or the handover selection screen, select "Teleavor".

If you select, the takeover registration screen will be displayed.

Succession registration

When the transfer registration screen is displayed, select "Register".

【ヒロトラ】How to take over dataと注意点

The screen of the precautions regarding the takeover will be displayed, so read it carefully before registering.

Log in with bnid

After reading the notes, press "BNID login".

Switch to LINE or Twitter login screen.

Enter your email address and password

After switching to the login screen, enter your email address and password and log in to your registered account with BNID.

If you have not registered, you can register a new registration by scrolling down, so please register and do it in the above method.

Precautions for data transfer

BNID is required to take over

BNID (Bandai Namco ID) is required to take over Hirotra's game data.If you are playing Bandai Namco games other than Hirotra and have already registered BNID, you can take over the data with the same ID.

If you do not have BNID, you will not be able to take over the game data, so if you have not registered, register.

Be especially careful when taking over with a different OS

If you take over from different OS (iPhone to Android), you need to be careful that the hero jem you received before taking over will disappear.

If you take over with different devices, consume the hero jem before taking over.


The received Hero Jem disappears, but the unacceptable hero jem in the present box does not disappear.

If you want to take over, it is a good idea to receive Hero Jem after taking over.


If you take over with a different terminal, the effects of the regular course, the deadline for the item, and the purchase results will all be invalid.

If possible, I would like to take over the game data after the expiration date of the regular course expires.

It is not possible to take over when you withdraw

If you leave the bnid once linked, you will not be able to take over the data with that ID.

If you unsubscribe for any reason, you need to register BNID again to take over the game data.

Multiple data can not be saved in one BNID

Game data saves up to one BNID.

Note that multiple game data cannot be saved.

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