"GUNDAM EVOLUTION" PC version CBT experience report --Game Watch

A team battle divided into 6 to 6.A battle that makes use of the individuality of MS is unfolded

 In the test conducted this time, only the tutorials that learned MS operations and the random matching casual match were played.The tutorial is performed using the MS "Pale Rider", and it is a mechanism that allows you to learn the basic operation.The operation of the game is compatible with the mouse and keyboard, as well as the game pad, and the button display is also switched.This time, I used the Xbox One controller.


 When you actually touch the game, the operation itself is in accordance with the general FPS, but the action using the "boost" consuming the gauge is close to the previous Gundam games.How to use the boost is very important in the operation of MS, "Boost Step", which consumes one gauge and moves at a very high speed at a short distance, "boost dash" that gradually consumes the gauge and moves at high speed, and after jumping.There are "hovering" that glides, and these are used depending on the situation.

画面左下、HP表記の右隣にあるのがブーストゲージ。ブーストステップはこの本数だけ連続して行える。ゲージは時間経過で回復「GUNDAM EVOLUTION」のメイン画面。味方MSは青い枠で、敵MSは赤い枠で表示される。画面上には両チームの機体を表示


 There are 12 aircraft that can be used in closed beta test.Orthodox aircraft such as Gundam and gym, a lineup of slightly special aircraft such as Gundam Barbatos and Jim Sniper II.The way of fighting is different for each aircraft, but there is no specific role such as "tank" or "healer", and all aircraft can be used by taking advantage of their own characteristics.

 Each aircraft has no concepts such as cost, and it is OK to choose any of them, but there is a rule that the same aircraft cannot be selected in the team.If you return to the base, including the time of the response, you can switch at any time if it is not used.

 MS becomes a "medium" state where the HP becomes 0 when the attack is attacked.In addition, it will be damaged or will be completely destroyed over time, and it will be a "big destruction" and will wait for the response, but it is also possible to revive on the spot by having allies approaching in the mid -crush state do recovery.is.However, there is a big risk that the ally can not move during recovery, so it is easy to be targeted by enemies.I experienced several times when I was recovering and being killed while I was wondering if I could recover, and I came to check the surrounding situation before doing it.In addition, MS HP recovers over time, besides recovery with repair items and skills.If the HP decreases, leaving the front line or hiding in the enemy's blind spots will be one of the fine tactics.


 The matching player is divided into six teams, and the match is divided into the Earthnoid side and the space noise side.The game is divided into offense and defense and occupies and defends points on the map, a team that controls the points opened in time for a long time wins the "domination", and destroys the goals on the map.・ Three rules are prepared: Defending Destruction.In this test, the game mode was randomly selected.


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