Google released "Chrome OS Flex" to CNET Japan old computers for free-Yahoo! Journalism



Google has released a picture of "Chrome OS Flex" to restore old computers for free.

グーグル、古いPCを無料でよみがえらせる「Chrome OS Flex」を発表(CNET Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース

 Google released "Chrome OS Flex" on Feb. 15, US time, which can revive old "Windows" PC and other loading machines as "Chrome OS" and begin to provide early versions for trial and verification. The operating system is further enhanced by a reshaping of CloudReady, the Neverware operating system that Google acquired in December 2020. CloudReady is mainly developed for businesses and educational institutions, but there are also free versions for individuals. This is ideal for injecting new life into computers that can't cope with Windows or "macOS" loads. CloudReady provides a lot of value that Chrome OS has, but it can't match the sense of operation, and some important functions are still missing. Chrome OS Flex fills in many of these deficiencies, represented by browsers. Forrest Smith, product manager at Chrome OS Flex, explained: "the biggest difference is that the formal 'Chrome' browser will be embedded." Features such as geographic location behave differently in CloudReady's "Chromium"-based browser, but in Chrome OS Flex, the treatment is the same as in "Chromebook" 's Chrome browser. In addition, the increase in support for the Google Family Link account is also an important difference. "what we really want to solve in the things we hear in the comics is the support of family linked accounts," Smith said. In addition, Chrome OS Flex allows you to manage student accounts by converting PC and Mac to lower-grade Chrome OS devices. Other features of Chromebook, which introduced Chrome OS Flex, include a "smartphone hub". This is the smartphone feature of synchronized "Android", which can display the tabs recently browsed on the smartphone, confirm the battery power and the strength of the wireless connection, or receive notification from the chat app. Google Assistant will also be supported. A stable version of Chrome OS Flex will be released in the coming months. It is reported that devices using CloudReady will be updated to Chrome OS Flex free of charge. You can download the earlier version until then. But Google warns that while it will continue to improve on this, it may include bug. This report is a report from overseas Red Ventures by DPRK-Japan Interactive for Japanese editors.

最終更新:CNET Japan

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