Google etc. pays attention, and the smart ring's favorite "OURA" evaluates sleep

Oura, a Finnish startup, which develops smart activities and sleep trucking rings, has announced $ 28 million in the series B -round from SQUARE and Forerunner Ventures led by Google's Gradient Ventures.

OURA, founded in 2013, monitors the user's pulse, movement, and body temperature, grasps the "overall picture" of health and provides data.Unlike many other health trackers on the market, it is used to attach it firmly to the finger instead of attaching it to the wrist.

The titanium ring is equipped with an infrared LED, an NTC temperature sensor, an acceleration sensor, and a gyroscope, and can be used for up to one week in one charge.OURA records all movements and strength of each from floor cleaning to marathon.

Every day users can see their data in the Oura Mobile app, and all three scores are assigned based on sleep and activity."Sleep score" clarifies comprehensive evaluation, along with insights such as sleep efficiency and good sleep.

"Preparation/preparation" basically knows how the body is ready in relation to the quality of sleep and the day before.In addition, "activity" provides an overview of the person's overall activity level and can use data from third -party sources such as Google Fit and Apple Health.

Big name

OURA had previously raised about $ 20 million from Will Smith, Shakir O'Neill, Lance Armstrong and others.OURA's CEO HARPREET SINGH Rai says in a blog post, "Human resources to further promote our commitments to support healthy life starting from better sleep to live a healthy life.We will use it for employment. "


The quality of the investor is also outstanding.Google launched Gradient Ventures, which specializes in AI startups in 2017, and Forerunner Ventures has a number of e -commerce and consumers' portfolio companies, including Birchbox, Bonobos, and Dollar Shave Club.

Through each investment, FORERUNNER's partner Eurie Kim participated in the OURA Board of Directors, and Anna Patterson, Vice President of GRADIENENT VENTURES and Vice President of Google Engineering, became the Board of Directors.

And the SQUARE, which has been added to the Oura investor lineup, has some synergistic effects between the two companies.In fact, Jesse Dorogusker, the head of the hardware category of Square, had previously worked on Apple's iPod team and has contributed to the growth of Square.

"He has an eye to see the beautifully designed hardware and has expanded his supply chain for new innovative products," said Rai.He also grows the Square hardware team from five employees to more than 200 employees, and understands engineering and operational executives. "

We have sold 150,000 rings so far and are now hiring 100 employees worldwide.

[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat

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