SDGs goal 12 "Responsibilities to make creation".To a sustainable world where resources circulate (SDGs that can be seen in 3 minutes) -IT is even closer.Soft Bank News

In just 3 minutes, you can learn the basic knowledge of "SDGs".In this article, we will look at the current tasks, corporate activities, and what we can do about the goal 12 of the 17 goals that make up SDGs.

  1. 世界では毎年、約1.3億トンもの食料が捨てられている
  2. 企業がしていること。資源を有効に使う新たなサービスの形
  3. 私たちにできること。商品の「外側」にも目を向けよう

What is the current state of world resources?About 1 in the world every year.300 million tons of food is abandoned (SDGs goals 12)

We live using various resources in nature to produce and consume many things.The scale is increasing, and it has been said that "two earth will be needed in 2030".So, let's think about the responsibilities of each creator (producer) and the person who uses (consumers).

Especially serious is the problem of food loss.Now, one -third of the food produced in the world (about 1.3 billion tons) is abandoned.In the case of Japan, the food that can be eaten but discarded is about 6.43 million tons in one year.The food that the world assists in developing countries is 3.9 million tons a year, so about 1.It is 7 times.

In all industries, emissions of harmful garbage and the use of chemical substances have polluted water and soil, causing climate change due to greenhouse gases.Under such circumstances, it is important to immediately reduce the "ecological footprint" that indicates the dependence on the human environment.

In order to change this situation, it is necessary for producers to use limited resources efficiently and create a method that is friendly to the earth.Consumers are required to practice "3R", which reduces garbage, repeats repeatedly (Reuse), and circulates resources.

SDGsの目標12「つくる責任 つかう責任」。資源が循環するサステナブルな世界へ(3分で分かるSDGs) - ITをもっと身近に。ソフトバンクニュース

What a company is doing.New services that use resources effectively (target of SDGs 12)

① Reduce food loss by connecting consumers and stores

In order to reduce food that can be eaten but abandoned, such as leftovers, unsold, and poorly looked agricultural products, a service that connects consumers and restaurants and producers is being developed.Consumers who say "I want to eat" if you register the excess food information in the app, such as "The dishes you cooked are likely to be unsold" and "this vegetable has no problem with the taste but cannot be arranged in the sales floor".It is a system that can be purchased.

② Effective use of resources in shared mechanism

"Shareing service" is expanding as a sustainable initiative.Rather than owning "things" or "place" by individuals, it is a mechanism to share and use it by the person who needs it.A private lending that lends vacant houses and vacant rooms is a representative example.In addition, various things such as cars, clothing and umbrellas are beginning to share.

what we can do.Let's look at the "outside" of the product (SDGs target 12)

① Bring my back and container

Many people have started using my back after the shopping bag has been paid.In supermarkets, there are places where fish and meat can be doubled in plastic bags, but if not necessary, you can further reduce garbage.Recently, the number of bulk shops, which sells ingredients and detergents, has gradually increased.Choosing such a store, bringing a container and shopping is a global action.

② Select organic cosmetics and vegan cosmetics

Choosing "organic cosmetics" without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, or "vegan cosmetics" that do not use animal -derived ingredients, also leads to consumption that does not hurt the environment and ecosystems.Recently, cosmetics brands that collect and recycle the finished containers are recycled, and products that do not put products in the outer box have appeared.As the idea of "shopping is a voting", supporting these brands can help sustainable initiatives.

In order to leave the limited resources on the earth in the future, it is necessary to reduce the depletion and environmental destruction of resources by reducing garbage from each production and consumption position and circulating resources.First of all, it is important to review your daily shopping and think from the process of creating things in front of you to the destination after you have finished using it.

慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科教授。専門は国際関係論、地球システム・ガバナンス。SDGs策定過程から国連におけるSDGs設定に参画、「目標ベースのガバナンス」という概念を打ち立て、国際的に高く評価されている。国連事務総長より、2023年に国連が発行する『グローバル持続可能な開発報告書(GSDR)』を執筆する15人の科学者の一人に選ばれているSDGs研究の第一人者であり、研究と実践の両立を図っている。『SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)』(2020年、中公新書)『未来を変える目標SDGsアイデアブック』(Think the Earth、2018、監修)、『SDGs白書2019』(インプレスR&D)など。

SDGs that is embarrassing if you don't know it soon.SDGs explanation that can be understood in 3 minutes

(Publication date: March 22, 2021) Sentence: Saigiri Shiraishi edited: Ex Light Illustration: Kirisu Kiri Supervisor Profile Photo: Enka Ichimura

Softbank has set six materials (important tasks) to achieve SDGs based on the concept of "a world where all things, information, and hearts are connected."Among them, "Contributing to the global environment with the power of technology" based on the SDGs goal 12 "Responsibility to use", promoting the recycling of mobile phones and promoting paperlessization by using smart devices.It is working.

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