《Former Chairman's Geki White》 Why is the Japan Medical Association hated? <Securing beds, vaccination ... You should be at the forefront of Corona countermeasures> Yokokura Yoshitake -Bungei Shunju Special article

Yoshitake Yokokura (C) Kyodo News Co., Ltd., who served the chairman of the Japan Medical Association for 4 years and 8 years

We will publish a special article in the August issue of "Bungei Shunju".Sentence/Yoshitake Yokokura (Honorary Chairman of the Japan Medical Association) ◆ ◆ ◆ The Japanese Medical Association is losing trust from the people as the “national disaster” of Corona continues.It is very disappointing for me, who has been chairman for more than eight years until June last year, and I feel that there is a part of responsibility.Currently, I am the president of a medical corporation in Miyama City, Fukuoka Prefecture, but I am only dissatisfied with the Japan Medical Association.I often hear from a doctor at a university hospital saying, "The current medical association is a little ...".Why did the Japan Medical Association hate so far?The purpose of the Japan Medical Association, where 170,000 doctors join, can be broadly divided into four.Establishing a national medical system, providing safe medical care, working on the people through health activities, and stable management of medical institutions.I think many people are worried and concerned about the first "medical system" in the emergency situation under the corona.There is a misunderstanding of the medical industry that caused the fear of the virus.In addition, many people may have had discomfort and anger at the Japan Medical Association.Especially in the past year, Toshio Nakagawa, Chairman of the Japan Medical Association, has strongly appealed to the government and the people for the need for self -restraint.However, since the corona infection is transmitted by the secretions from the oral cavity, such as saliva, it should be clearly explained the prevention method, such as being careful when eating and drinking.In April this year, Chairman Nakagawa was discovered that the LDP members of the House of Representatives participated in a 100 -person political fund parties opened by Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives, and "Double Standard".What is it while requesting self -restraint? "It is natural that if you are asking the people to refrain from that strongly, there will be a strong rebound.In fact, I was worried about Nakagawa's remarks at a press conference."The chairman's behavior has a great influence. Please be careful." At the end of last year, I sent such an email to Chairman Nakagawa and urged to alert.The Japan Medical Association has been playing the role of a pipe to deliver the voice of the medical field to politics, but it is hard to say that it is also good.For example, the Japan Medical Association was particularly particular about its claims due to vaccine issues.At the end of May this year, if vaccination is in full swing, the government will consider the use of dentists.Local medical associations such as Fukuoka also proposed to the Japan Medical Association that the dentist should cooperate.However, the Japan Medical Association's executive office showed reluctance.Certainly, the current law is allowed to injection of dentists only within the scope of dental treatment.However, dentists have the knowledge and skills of hitting, so if you are not enough, you should be hesitant to cooperate.This will make the people think that the Japan Medical Association has kept their interests.While local medical members and medical workers are working hard, the Japan Medical Association has been not aware of the "emergency"."Shouldn't we make more efforts?"For the past year, there have been many situations I feel.I felt that Japan was also dangerous, and from the beginning of the first wave of Corona, I was on the steering as chairman of the Japan Medical Association.At the end of the year last year, when the number of Corona patients in China and Wuhan increased rapidly, they immediately contacted Beijing Japan -China Friendship Hospitals to collect information on symptoms and treatments.Since I was a chairman of the World Medical Association, I have been interacting with this hospital.The information obtained from it was uploaded to the Japan Medical Association's website at any time, and the medical associations nationwide were warned.I felt that "Japan was dangerous too" when I visited Oita in late January last year, a commemorative event of the Medical Association Hospital.Oita was overflowing with Chinese tourists visiting Beppu Onsen.Probably the same in sightseeing spots nationwide.In this situation, I was convinced that the infection explosion in Japan was a matter of time.The struggle in the first wave was that I couldn't prepare masks and infection protection clothes.In February, a physician in Hokkaido, who examined a patient with a cold symptom, was infected with Corona, and under the Infectious Diseases Law, medical institutions were suspended from health centers for two weeks.In this case, more and more private medical institutions have shunned, saying that fever patients are not examined.After that, masks and protective clothing were distributed to designated hospitals with infectious diseases and national public hospitals, and it was difficult to go to the private sector and it was difficult to see patients.


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Yokokura Yoshitake / Bungei Shunju August 2021 issue


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