For those who want to reduce the basic monthly fee for smartphones, the procedure is summarized for those who can use the NURO Mobile plan "Value Plus" with a phone number of 3GB or less per month.




実際にバリュープラスに申し込むため、まずnuroモバイル お申し込みページを表示します。

「Wi-Fi環境のない場所ではあまり携帯電話を使わない。音声通話はできる方がいい」と考え、今回は3GBのVSプラン・音声通話付きのSIMカードで選択し、MNPは行わずに電話番号を新たに取得します。SIMカードを入れる端末はiPhone 12です。

Prepare "Credit cards in the name of the person", "identity verification document" (driver's license, insurance card, etc.).

Click "Plan Select".

This time, selected the "D plan" of the NTT DOCOMO line, "SIM card only" that uses the current terminal as it is, and "Nano SIM", which suits the iPhone 12 for the size of the SIM card.

The contract type is "with voice call", and the data capacity is "VS plan".Do not use all -you -can -eat options for 10 minutes.

After selecting "Get a new phone number", click "To select options".


Enter your name, gender, date of birth, phone number, email address, and address.

Continue upload the image data of the identity verification document.This time, select a driver's license.

In the initial settings, "Information by e -mail" and "Information by mail" are all checked.This time, click "Set the settlement method" as it is.


In the initial setting, "Check the contract contents by electronic issuance" is checked.Read the Terms of Use and check "I agree with the Terms of Use", read the agreement on improving communication quality, check "I agree with the above", and click "Confirm the application content".The application is completed.

On the morning of June 25, the SIM card arrived in such an envelope.

The contents are SIM cards, usage manuals, and delivery documents.

First, separate the SIM card from the mount.

Turn off the iPhone 12, pull out the SIM card tray, put the SIM card, insert the tray, and turn on the iPhone 12.

ただSIMカードを挿しただけではモバイル通信を行えず、続いてAPN構成プロファイルをインストールする必要があります。iPhone 12がWi-Fiに接続されていることを確認し、Safariを開いてアドレスバーに「」と入力し、アクセスします。

Tap "permission" because you are required to permission to download the configuration profile.

Since the profile is downloaded, tap "Close".

Open the "Settings" app, tap "General" and "Profile", and tap the downloaded "So-net APN (ver.2)".

Then tap "Install", "Next", and "Install" in the upper right and tap "Install" at the bottom to complete the profile installation.Now you can use Nuro Mobile to communicate on your iPhone.

The cost of using a new contract with "3GB VS plan / voice call" for one year is like this.When applying, the initial cost is 3300 yen, the SIM card preparation fee is 440 yen, a total of 3740 yen.The monthly monthly fee for 11 months, which is not available for free monthly fee, is 8745 yen in total.Except for the call fee, the total payment for the first year, including the initial cost and the basic monthly fee, is 12,485 yen.



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