Explain 8 causes and 6 remedies when you can not log in with Gmail! (December 12, 2021) --Excite News

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There are cases where you cannot log in to Gmail on your smartphone or PC. There are various reasons why you can't log in to Gmail, but if you can't log in, you can't use Google services as well as Gmail. So this time, I will explain the cause of not being able to log in to Gmail and the remedy.

[Gmail] Causes when you cannot log in

First of all, I will explain the reason why you can not log in to Gmail.

[Cause 1] The email address is incorrect

Gmailでログインできないときの8つ原因と6つ対処法を解説!  (2021年12月12日) - エキサイトニュース

The reason why you cannot log in to Gmail (1) is that your email address is incorrect. To log in to Gmail, you must log in to your Google account. And to log in to your Google account, you need your registered email address.

However, if you enter the wrong email address, it will cause you to be unable to log in to Gmail. Since Gmail's email address is a combination of single-byte alphanumericals and symbols, it is possible that you may have entered a wrong case or may not be able to convert it properly.

[Cause 2] The password is incorrect.

The reason (2) that you cannot log in to Gmail is that the password is incorrect. To log in to Gmail, you must log in to your Google account. And to log in to your Google account, you will need a password along with your registered email address.

However, if you enter the wrong password, it will prevent you from logging in to Gmail. Since the password of Gmail is a password of 8 characters or more that combines half-width alphanumerical characters and symbols, it is possible that the cause is an input error or the password of another account.

[Next page] [Cause ③] I'm having a problem with the 2-step verification process I can log in to Gmail ... Recommended by the editorial department

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