"The PC is Windows97, even though it's a matter, but I don't get a job because it's often freezed." Women who quit the workplace in 3 months

Even though the way of working is diversifying, it is courageous to quit the company that has just joined the company in a short period of time, but many of the cariconnus has said that he has stopped working immediately.(Sentence: Yuta Nakajima)

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A woman in her forties in Tokyo (accounting) talks about her experience in the workplace retired in three months.

Women also reveal the outdated office environment.

In addition, it was a poor environment, such as "Luggage and valuables are put in cardboard, and shared lockers use about 10 people with a size of less than 30cm wide."

It is said that the rented uniform was also terrible, saying, "Clothes with faded colors that were made in the Showa era, the original colors were faded.She says she has a uniform but has no changing room and says, "Everyone changed clothes on the stairs and corridors."

The air conditioner was old and ineffective, and the room temperature was 32 degrees in midsummer."When I came home, my underwear was sweaty and the salt was made every day."

When an unbearable woman resigned during the trial period, she said, "I can't get a job at the end of the year, so please stay at the end of the year."On her retirement day, she says, "The salary that has been transferred so far is cashed in exchange for cleaning uniforms."

The woman says, "I was about to go older with my paid salary," but I was relieved that "the cleaning shop clerk was crying and managed to finish it later this year, and I was able to secure my salary on New Year's Eve."。


A woman in her thirties in Fukushima said, "The director's wife was a considerable singer," said a private clinic who joined a new graduate.

The woman was hired instead of a senior in maternity leave, but his senior told me, "You are still young, so you should stop here."

"I have only worked for three days, so I think the wound was shallow. I am grateful to my seniors to continue working hard."

* Overview of the questionnaire ■ Implementation period November 21, 2020 ~ ■ As of August 20 (In the article, the posts received on August 14) ■ Charconemel Magazine members (630,000) for questionnaire (630,000)And Cariconnus Reader, Calicone News SNS Follower ■ Implementation method Questionnaire Use the Use the Tools "Questant" HTTPS: // Questant.JP/Q/HF78WM9H ■ Please tell me the question item, the type of business, and the type of job ・ How long have you quit?・ Please tell me the reasons why you quit. ・ How do you actually quit?Please tell us about your satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and why

* Calicone News will continue to conduct questionnaires such as "How much summer bonuses?"

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