Engadget Logo Engajet Japan version of IBM, Canada's first general -purpose quantum computer system introduction to Quebec

IBM has announced that a partnership with Quebec will set up Canada's first general -purpose quantum computer.The contract period is 5 years.IBM will set up the Quantum System One as part of the Quebec-IBM Discovery Accelerator project, and will cooperate with the Quebec government and quantum computing, AI, cloud, research projects, etc.

"We are proud to raise the innovation of Quebec to the next level and cooperate with private companies and partners in the academic world," said Darío Gil, a senior vice president and research department of IBM.I mentioned.

The IBM and the state government use this system in the IBM facility in Quebec, how to cooperate with quantum computers and conventional computers to solve scientific issues.I will investigate.In addition, it is expected to be useful for the development, material development, and research of those research by AI using quantum mechanics.

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エンガジェット日本版 IBM、ケベック州にカナダ初の汎用量子コンピューターシステム導入で提携

Although it is not clear when to introduce a quantum computer system, this is the fifth in the world following the same partnership in Germany, Japan, Korea, and the United States.Will be the introduction of Quantum System One.IBM has introduced systems to the German Frown Hoofer Research Organization and the University of Tokyo, and will also introduce a system to the Cleveland Clinic and South Korea's Eyo University.

Speaking of Canada and quantum computers, D-WAVE, who once controlled whether it was a quantum computer, was once reminded.This technology is used at Lockhid Martin, Google, NASA Aims, Oakridge National Institute, and the Los Alamos National Institute.

Source: IBM


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