Engadget Logo Engadget Japanese version Cycling with the next-generation transceiver "BONX BOOST", there is almost no noise even if there is a lot of traffic!

BONX is currently working on a project for a walkie talkie "BONX BOOST" that allows unlimited distance communication at GREEN FUNDING. The price is 29,700 yen (original list price) for one, but you can purchase it at a discounted price such as 20,800 yen, which is 30% off.

Are there occasions when you need a walkie-talkie? It would be difficult for the previous author, who was a man without imagination, to answer, but now I can think of various uses. Such times and times like this....What kind of occasion do you want a walkie-talkie?

My best time is when I'm on my bike. I use my bicycle for 90% of my travels, but recently I often ride bicycles with my friends. Of course, parallel running is not possible at this time. Since we are running together, I would like to talk a little. I want to feel free to check the directions.

Then, should I connect the phone with my smartphone and have a conversation with earphones? It's different if you ask me. It is difficult to hear with only one earphone, and the performance of the microphone is not always good.

Well, at that time, I was able to borrow something that might be useful this time. It is a walkie-talkie that allows you to talk over a wider range than usual, with unlimited distance. It's a slogan that seems to carry the word "next generation", but what is its ability?

Compared with my earphones (Sennheiser). Impression that the main body is about one size larger than the earphone. The case is thick enough that it's not compact enough to fit in your pocket. The weight of the main body is 10g, which is a little heavy. It didn't bother me when I put it on. I'm happy that I can wear it on both ears by reversing the main body. It is used properly according to TPO.

The charging type is USB Type-C. The continuous talk time is 10 hours, which is enough. Dustproof and waterproof performance is IP55.

The installation image looks like this. The mic can reach the edge of my mouth on my large face. Considering wearing it all the time, this was a good feeling because it didn't get in the way.

Now, I would like to take this walkie-talkie with me and go cycling, but before that, let me tell you about a disappointing point. The feeling of wearing it was quite subtle.... I tried many combinations of ear tips and ear hangers, but I could not find a combination that fit perfectly.

In the end, I used the largest ear tip to stabilize the ear tip and a smaller ear hanger to fix it so that it wouldn't fall off. Ear tips can be replaced with commercially available ones, so it is better to start by adopting ear tips that fit you.

Engadget Logo Engadget Japan version next generation Cycling with the walkie-talkie

I'm going to put it on and go on a bicycle trip. This time with a fellow writer. Both of them borrow products and use dedicated apps.

"BONX BOOST" can also be used as normal earphones, so you can talk using the phone line, but it is out of the support range. An app is essential to fully verify the speech detection function and noise canceling.

The operation of the app is super easy because it supports Japanese. Group calls are also possible by creating a talk room and sharing the room key. It can be said that there is almost no hesitation in the operation around here.

Okay, let's go. Since "BONX BOOST" is a system that communicates using a smartphone's 3G/LTE/4G line or Wi-Fi, it certainly made me realize that I can make calls regardless of the distance, as long as I can connect to the Internet. Even when cycling at a considerable distance, I could always hear the other person's voice. Depending on the radio wave conditions, there were moments when the connection became unstable in crowded places, so be careful there.

This is my first impression after trying it, but there is no noise to my surprise. This time, I rode around the city by bicycle, so inevitably I passed through places with a lot of traffic, but I was able to talk without feeling the noise of the cars and the hustle and bustle. If you listen closely, you may be picking up the faint sound of the car, but it doesn't bother you at all. You can talk normally even if the car is zipping right next to you, right? Isn't that amazing?

I also verified the attachment and detachment of the microphone, but it seems that the sound is clearer with the microphone attached. Of course, the sound quality was sufficient even with the product itself. I think it's better to put a mic on for wind protection.

If you use this as an intercom at a pachinko parlor or at a construction site, I think it will deliver a pretty good sound. I think that it has that much noise canceling function.

Speech detection was also pretty good. When I stopped at a red light, I couldn't hear the cars running, but I picked up the voices of pedestrians passing by. You can see the sophisticated high functionality.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can make calls over unlimited distances, and the noise cancellation is perfect. This time I tried it for cycling, but it was a product that could be applied to other workouts and jobs, and the possibilities were endless. I think that it can be said that it is exactly the transceiver responsible for the "next generation".

"BONX BOOST" is a project underway at GREEN FUNDING. The price is 29,700 yen (original list price) for one, but you can purchase it at a discounted price such as 20,800 yen, which is 30% off. A loss compensation plan is also available for supporters only, so if you are interested, hurry up!

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