Pokemon GO: No.099 How to get Kingler, different colors and weaknesses, countermeasures (adult Pokemon re-entry guide)

Pokemon GO is a fusion of cutting-edge mobile AR and pocket monsters that are popular across generations. This is a "Pokemon picture book" for adults that summarizes only the main points for ex-trainers who haven't played Pokemon in a long time, and for those who are playing Pokemon games for the first time. This time, the water-type "Scissors Pokemon" Kingler.

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National picture book number: No.099 (Kantho region, 1st generation) First appearance: "Pokemon Red / Green" Game Boy 1996 Classification: Scissors Pokemon English name: Kingler

Explanation of the picture book

"Kingler waves his giant pincers to signal each other, but the pincers are too heavy and he quickly gets tired."

In-game data

Evolution: Club (50 club candy) Kingler Color: Yes Type: Water Weather Boost: Rain Weaknesses: Electricity, Grass (x1.6) Resistances: Water, Ice, Steel, Fire (x0.625) ) Racial values: HP 146, Attack 240, Defense 181

How to get Kingler (as of February 2020):

・ Appears in the wild.・Evolution from Club

Anti-Kingler Pokémon:

Number name (example of recommended technique)

Pokemon GO: No.099 Kingler obtained How to Get Different Colors, Weaknesses, and Countermeasures (Adult Pokémon Re-Introduction Guide)</p><p>407 Roserade (Leaf Cutter / Solar Beam) 003 Venusaur (Vine Whip / Hard Plant) 465 Mojumbo (Vine Whip / Solar Beam) 243 Raikou (Electric Shock / Wild Bolt) 145 Thunder (Electric Shock / Electric Power) )</p><p>Kingler's weaknesses are electric and grass types. Grass-type Pokémon such as Roserade, Venusaur, and Mojumbo can attack their weak points and are resistant to Water-type attacks, giving them an advantage in battle.</p><p>In addition, Raikou and Thunder, electric-type ace attackers with high attack power, are also active.</p><p>Pokemon GO: No.407 Roserade How to Get and CountermeasuresPokemon GO: No.003 Venusaur How to Get and CountermeasuresPokemon GO: No.465 Mojumbo How to Get and CountermeasuresPokemon GO: No.243 Raikou How to Get and CountermeasuresPokemon GO: No.145 Thunder How to obtain and countermeasures</p><p> *Fushigibana's

Kingler's Battle Rating: Good (Raid/Gym)/Sad (Competition)

A Pokemon with particularly high attack power among water-types. Water-type "Grab Hammer" is particularly powerful. Since the CP is also high, it is suitable for battles such as raid battles where there is a time limit and you want to have a short-term decisive battle. However, it does not have high endurance, so it is fragile when attacked by its weak points, and the total damage until it falls is not high. Like Gengar, you have to be careful about dodging.

Because clubs before evolution often appear near water, they are easy to capture. If the water type does not have a strong attacker, it would be a good idea to train it.

(Evaluation mainly in raids and gym battles) In interpersonal battles such as trainer battles and GO battle leagues, the evaluation changes greatly depending on the environment at that time, so it is only a guideline, but Kingler's durability is too low and It's also difficult to match with strong Pokemon that are commonly used, and it doesn't have a role in interpersonal battles.

Recommended moves:

Awa (Water) / Club Hammer (Water) Mud Shot (Jimen) / Club Hammer (Water)

* "Mad Shot" is a legacy skill (a skill that cannot be learned newly at present).

Speaking of Kingler:

An old Pokemon that appears from the first Pokemon along with the pre-evolution club. The club now has two thorns on its head, giving it a crown-like silhouette befitting a king. It didn't get much attention due to its simple design like the early Pokémon, and there were no additions such as evolved forms or Mega Evolutions, but in the latest Pokémon work Sword and Shield, you can finally make a special gigantic "Gigantic Max". Selected as a Pokemon. In Pokemon GO, even though he has high attack power, he didn't have the opportunity to play an active role due to his lack of skill. It has become a top-level attacker in terms of damage efficiency. Pokemon GO Water Festival started. Kingler becomes the king of water with a new technique

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