Engadget Logo Engaget Japanese version of Oculus Quest 2 Battery kit that greatly improves wearing feeling

Until a few years ago, home VR was required to have a middle grade or higher gaming PC and VR headset.The total amount is small, and the 200,000 yen course is made even if you estimate.Not everyone can reach out.However, the META Quest series has become an extremely cost -effective VR head set because it was developed as part of the Android ecosystem.

By the way, on December 17th, I was fascinated by the tweet of Jack Soslow (@jacksoslow), a data scientist of Oculus VR.

It's a shocking story.In 2021, the VR headset QUEST2 was sold 8.1 million units.It is said that it exceeded 8 million units sold in the Xbox series.This is an amazing case, although the number of manufactured units is limited due to the corona evil.

In addition, the number of Quest/QUEST2 sales in 2020 is 4.5 million units....Did you reach 10 million units with Quest2 alone?At the Qualcomm recital held on November 16, 2021, CEO CEO CRISTIANO AMON made a statement that "Quest 2 is 10 million units", and VR is seriously coming.I think.

However, QUEST2, which can be purchased for 37,180 yen, is a VR headset that has a negative effect of cost reduction.The most important point is the feeling of wearing.The body is heavy, 503g, and the front heavy, but if you try to support this weight, you have to tighten the strap belt.However, this guy is difficult to handle.If you replace it with an elite strap, it will be easier to adjust and adjust both wearing and holding, but it costs 6820 yen.

What you should pay attention to is Cheero's "Ocuras Quest 2 Battery Kit Backhead Style".

オキュラスクエスト2用バッテリーキット バックヘッドスタイル

A combination of mounts and fixing belts made with 3D printers in Cheero's mobile battery "Cheero Power Plus 5 10000mah with Power Delivery 18w".By attaching it to the rear of the strap, it becomes a counterweight, so the front heavy feeling is eased, making it easier to balance even if you do not tighten too much.

It is a third -party option that makes it quite comfortable except for games that need to swing the head, such as boxing games and FPS games.The price of Amazon is 6000 yen, which is cheaper than the elite strap.

The battery capacity of the QUEST2 body is said to be 5000mAh (not officially published), and the battery capacity of "Ocuras Quest 2 Battery Kit Back Head Style" is 10,000 mAh.Large capacity.Like VRChat, isn't it too compatible with the app that keeps diving for hours if you are addicted?

As shown in the photo, I wear it on an external strap (2900 yen), but the stability growing is more than a genuine strap belt.This is a wonderful set that will further enhance the charm of QUEST2 for a total of 9000 yen.

オキュラスクエスト2用バッテリーキット バックヘッドスタイル

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