Disseminate the scent of the island to the south wind both domestically and internationally Processed agricultural products of Kikaijima | OVO

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15 minutes by plane from Amami Oshima. Kikaijima is the easternmost island of the Amami Islands with a population of 7,000. The 48-kilometer uplifted coral reef island continues to rise by about 2 mm annually, and its speed is one of the three highest in the world.

About 20% of households on the island are engaged in agriculture, and about 50% of the sales amount of agricultural products is craft crops such as sugar cane and sesame seeds.

Kikaijima's sugarcane production has the largest harvested area per household in Kagoshima Prefecture, and the cultivation of white sesame seeds, which began more than 100 years ago, accounts for more than half of the domestic production and boasts the highest production in Japan.

Many of the citrus fruits that are cultivated are also native species, and are also described as "Citrus Galapagos". Although citrus fruits are actively cultivated as garden trees on Kikaijima, there is a limit to their own consumption.

Mineral-rich island soil. There are people who work hard to produce processed products in order to fully convey the charm of the fruit. We approached the sincere manufacturing unique to Kikaijima.

"Tobatoba" is the word for Kikaijima, which means "exciting," "exciting," and "feeling like taking off at any moment." There is a craft cola with the product name of feelings of good mood. It is "Tobatoba Cola" made by Mr. and Mrs. Kazunori Kohara (35) and Ms. Mako (33).

The couple worked for a travel agency in Singapore for 7 years. Upon marriage, the two moved to Kikaijima, where her wife Mako's parents' home is located.

"There is a kind of mandarin orange called" Shiku "that is also cultivated as a garden tree on the island, but the production was large and the surplus was discarded." Oh, this is a waste "" As a stock solution of cola syrup I wondered if it could be used. ”The aim was“ herbal syrup, ”which was familiar in Singapore. It was full. "

"Kikaijima is cultivated with many native citrus fruits." Keraji oranges "with noble scents and many fans, and" Kuriha "called island oranges. Kikaijima is coral. The island is made of. The deliciousness of citrus fruits grown in abundant mineral soil is the pride of the island. "Shiku" is a familiar taste that is familiar to the islanders. The balance of gentle acidity and sweetness is It was also a great base for citrus fruits. "

The base of "Tobatoba Cola" is a mandarin orange grown on Kikaijima. It is squeezed at the Kikai-cho Agricultural Products Processing Center and is a blend of 14 kinds of spices and the sardine sugar from Kikaijima.

"30% of Kikaijima mandarin juice. The sardine sugar is also from Kikaijima. Add the undiluted solution extracted from 14 kinds of spices. I struggled with the preparation of spices. There were repeated trials. There are countless examples of making craft cola in Japan. There are no textbooks. There were many things that I could not learn by taking shortcuts. "

After a development period of 9 months, "Tobatoba Cola" was completed in March 2020. Cola syrup with undiluted solution in a bottle. Labels designed by his wife, Mako, will be attached. The basic ratio is to dilute 4 times. It goes well with beer and wine as well as carbonated water. Even if you divide it with milk, the flavor remains firmly.

"Kikaijima is an island made of coral. Due to the unusualness of the island, which is constantly rising, overseas media often cover it, and a French magazine company saw our cola in the process of coverage. The other day. The message I received was "I like the concept and taste of using the surplus coral on the island. I took it back to France and enjoyed it with my family." Needless to say

“We do everything on the island, from harvesting raw materials, squeezing, formulating, and bottling. We didn't have the option of outsourcing manufacturing to a manufacturer outside the island. We have a dream of starting a business on the island. We have a good communication environment. Therefore, there is no problem in developing sales channels and communicating with customers. Currently, the number of dealers has increased from Hokkaido to Kyushu. You can send from any place. Believing that, from a small island in the south to Japan and the world I want to keep sending. "

After making cola, the couple had a daily routine to come to the beach. I was fascinated by the wreckage that was washed ashore.

"The setting sun, the sea of ​​the island. I felt uncomfortable with the artificial objects washed ashore on the white sand beach, but I was drawn to the color of the plastic pieces that were washed by the sea and continued to receive ultraviolet rays. Microplastics created the environment. It is a big problem because it is contaminated, but we cannot collect and dispose of all the wreckage by ourselves. I think it will be. What came to my mind was to make it an accessory. "

Mako made accessories by hardening the plastic pieces she collected with resin. She has earrings, rings, ear cuffs and more. Her finished work was sold over the internet and was well received.

"It was the color that attracted attention. Many of the people who asked for it wanted a unique color. Some say that it was also an opportunity to think about the environment. Looking at the ring I wore, it naturally came to me. It seems that he has come to keep in mind the consumption behavior that does not generate plastic waste. "

Gaze at the material of the island and polish it with her own hands. The new value created will hit the door to the next era through empathy. "Tobatoba" craft colas and accessories born on Kikaijima continue to cross the sea today with the support of domestic and foreign customers.

島の香りを南風に乗せて 国内外に発信 喜界島の農産物加工品 | OVO [オーヴォ]

"The most popular is the set of brown sugar shochu. Is it a characteristic of Kikaijima that the island sardine (crude sugar) 20 kg x 1 bag is popular?" (36).

"On the island, it is customary to distribute confectionery to households after the sugar-making season. Divide it into small pieces and distribute them to relatives and acquaintances. There are times, but the number of orders is increasing by word of mouth from those who run the confectionery industry and those who have a hobby of making sweets. "

In addition to "white sesame", which boasts the highest production in Japan, and "brown sugar shochu", which is allowed to be produced only in the Amami Islands, shipments of "agricultural products" such as passion fruit, mango, tomatoes and pumpkins are increasing.

"There are many hard workers on Kikaijima. When you grow crops, you should observe them carefully. If you have any problems, you have close friends to talk to. If you want to make better crops and products, feel free to give your opinion. There is an air to say, "says Etsuo Kumasaki, 68, the mayor of Kikai Town.

Agricultural product processing and sales facilities developed by the town can be freely used by the townspeople. Equipment is available for everything from test rooms used for new product development to full-scale production.

"New ideas such as baked goods such as cola syrup and cookies are being commercialized one after another. I am proud that the quality does not disappoint the expectations of the rewards. It makes me smile. In order to do so, both the townspeople and I need quality that can be used as a syrup. I want to convey the true heart of Kikaijima to as many people as possible. "

"Kikaijima Yui", which is mainly operated by women living in Kikaijima, has been established for 15 years. It produces processed products using agricultural products from the island. In addition to selling products on the island, shipments outside the island continue to increase. We talked to the representative, Hiromi Bodyoka (61).

"We use native island oranges such as" Fusu "and" Shiku "to make ponzu sauce and yakiniku sauce. Sometimes they are sold at supermarkets on the island, and the support on the island has spread steadily. Even as the number of tourists declines in Corona, we are still busy producing additional orders. "

"White sesame, which boasts the highest production in Japan, and its processed products are also popular. Sesame on the island is a native species. It has a different scent. I am busy with production. I would like to raise the selling price even higher considering the cost, but I am holding down the selling price because I want you to feel free to use it at the dining table on the island. I do nothing dexterous. Hmm. I keep making it carefully and steadily, keeping in mind the health and smiles of my family. "

"There is no end to the pursuit of hygiene. It is something that people say. We put the same passion into hygiene management as we are particular about raw materials. Some of our products are also used for school meals on the island. There must be no mistakes. Even members who are close friends before entering the processing plant are strictly prohibited from speaking privately during work. Observing discipline is one of the qualities. It is delicious and natural. Members are aware of their responsibilities. I'm very happy about that. "

"The Yui Cafe, which is located in the same place as the processing plant, is a cafe that is adjacent to the tourist association and has a product sales corner. It is a place of relaxation where you can enjoy light meals. It is often seen that people who come to Japan are working with their PCs spread out. One of their strengths is that they can accurately answer questions about processed products sold by cafe staff. There is a reason for it. There is also a reason for the products that are being repeated. This is one of the things we have learned. "

Seiji Kanekyu (78) and Kyoko (74), who live in the village of Sakiyama in the town, are members who provide oranges on the island.

“We supply crops grown on our own farms and provide native oranges,” says Seiji.

"Add mirin, pepper, olive oil and sesame seeds to the" island mikan ponzu "made by" Kikaijima Yui "to complete the dressing. The agricultural products grown under the sun and sea breeze of Kikaijima are full of energy. Everyone who makes it is full of energy. May the charm of the island reach as many people as possible. "

Tadanori Sakae (59), who runs the live house Funky Station SABANI on Kikaijima, offers food and drinks made from ingredients that are particular to Kikaijima.

"'Tobatoba Cola' goes well with highball. It goes great with whiskey. It's also served with milk for children. It's popular anyway. It's the first time, but it's a familiar taste. It's mixed with fish burger tartar sauce. "Kikaijima Yui" is made by "Kikaijima Yui". The natural citrus aroma and acidity are unique. It gives a refreshing aftertaste to the sauce. For the tofu salad, "Kikaijima Yui" Topped with "Soramame Kurton" made by "Sora Mame Kurton". Sky beans are also a specialty of Kikaijima. "

"The burger buns are a custom-made size for the bakery in the town. I order them every day and go to pick them up. The fish I use is Erabuchi (parrotfish) struck by an island fisherman. After the customer was surprised, he asked, "Why are you making this?" I'm happy. It's a taste that I can't put out by myself. I think that the pride of the customers will shake the hearts of the customers. "

A message arrived on Sakae's mobile phone. The hands of the clock are around midnight. "Erabuchi, one fish. Minutes of loyalty. Put it in the usual cooler box. "

"Dive fishing is late at night. One of the best fishermen aiming and poking. I want to give the best hospitality to those who come to Kikaijima. I want to offer heartfelt hospitality with the island's proud products. The spirit of the islanders is conveyed. I'm glad. Now, the store is closed. Would you like to go to the harbor together? The starry sky on the island is a planetarium. The moment before dawn looks the most beautiful. "

A straight road on an island that is sucked into the starry sky. The rising sun rises on the coral island today. The sound of the waves and the barking of birds replace the alarm clock. Special products waiting for shipment outside the island are lined up at the port. Delivered domestically and internationally, the charm of the island. Take the southerly wind that flows through the island today.

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Editing / Production = Nankai Nihon Shimbun

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