947th: DSS (Dynamic Spectrum Sharing) -The mobile phone Watch

 DSS is a technology that introduces 5G NRs in part or whole of the frequency band used by LTE.It comes from the English language "Dynamic Spectrum Sharing", which means "dynamically separating wavelength distribution" in Japanese.

 Until now, the new wireless access technology has been deployed on different frequency blocks, as with 2G, 3G, and 4G.For this reason, the business operator had to buy a new spectrum to assign a new generation or reorganize the existing spectrum.

 Businesses require a wide range of bandwidth for 5G services, and for that reason, new middle bands (3).5-6GHz) and high bandwidth (millimeters) were assigned.In particular, the newly assigned millimeter wave frequency has an extremely wide bandwidth, which allows business operators to achieve a 5g ultra -high -peak rate and low delay.This frequency should be effective as a way to off -road a crowded 4G network.

第947回:DSS(Dynamic Spectrum Sharing) - ケータイ Watch

 On the other hand, millimeter waves have a narrow range of radio waves, and it takes a considerable amount of time to build a service area.Also, middle band (3).5GHz) 5G NR service areas are also necessary to build new facilities, and it has to be considered interference with satellite communication, so the area that can be communicated is likely to spread quite well.Not in.

 For 5G systems, so that the area can be expanded as soon as possible, so that the mobility can be secured, that is, communication can be used for moving users..It seems that businesses want to use the frequency band under 5GHz or less.

 Therefore, as a solution is "DSS", which separates 4G frequencies between LTE and 5G.Simply put, this technology is to mix 5G signals in radio waves emitted from existing 4G base stations so that either 4G and 5g can be used.The existing LTE device in the base station area will be able to recognize this area as an LTE area and the 5G terminal as a 5G area.

 In addition, if you use the "Intervated NR Career Agrygulation" that achieves a 5G NR coverage expansion with aggregation in a low -frequency band, medium frequency band, or high -frequency band, and high -frequency band, 5g in a low frequency band in DSS first.The service is started, and this aggregation technology can be used with 5G NRs in the middle frequency band or high frequency band.Smartphones will be able to realize high -speed data communication such as several hundred Mbps indoors and cell edges.

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