Develop shirts that can improve physical fitness by wearing only (patent application is completed) "lira and Eve shirts" will be released by enterprises in April.

Category: products and services

Issuing enterprise: body function Research Institute of Co., Ltd.

着るだけで身体能力が上がるシャツを開発(特許出願済)「リライブ・シャツ」 4月より発売へ 企業リリース

Professional athletes are full of praise. All the sports have changed in this way. (strain) body function Research Institute (head office Changshengqiu 3-27-3, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, and Yoshida Yoshida, chairman) successfully developed an epoch-making "Live T-shirt" with a substantial improvement in body function from the moment it was worn. The athlete's physical function will be greatly improved at the moment of putting on the shirt. Live T-shirts were originally aimed at tennis players, but Yoshida Yoshida, the head office representative of the coach, was born because of physical pain and serious physical improvement. Thoroughly studied various methods, such as holism, path and martial arts, established a way in which everyone can significantly improve their physical fitness, and through the application of it gave birth to a re-dressed shirt. The torso is strong and produces harmony from the whole muscle. The reason is that by effectively pasting the special material mixed with metal powder to stimulate the body's path, such as tourmaline to the appropriate part of the shirt, the body originally restores its function and puts the muscles in the best condition. In the wearable experiment, 95% of people experienced a normal 20-30% upgrade. In tests worn by 15 tennis players, the average speed of serve increased by 5.9 kilometers per hour. The maximum increase is 25.4 km. In addition to Abeli's former all-Japan team player "naturally full of strength" Kimura, chairman of the Japan running Association, "just wearing it, he shortened the time of 1000 meters by 6 seconds." in addition, it has also been highly praised by golf, football and other athletes. All products are customized. Now Sendai corresponds to Kobe and Fitt in Tokyo. I'm recruiting Mr. Fitt all over the country. Live T-shirt price ¥15000-(excluding tax) official website enterprise press release details please visit the top of PRTIMES


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