Developed a function that allows you to send a message exclusively for the individual with " + message" by verification online

May 27, 2021

KDDI Co., Ltd.

KDDIは、携帯電話番号の所有者をオンラインで本人確認し、「+メッセージ (プラスメッセージ)」アプリを通じて企業がお客さま本人だけにメッセージを安全に送信できる「本人限定メッセージ機能」(以下 本機能) を開発し、May 27, 2021から提供を開始します。なお本機能は、トッパン・フォームズ株式会社 (本社: 東京都港区、代表取締役社長: 坂田 甲一、以下 トッパンフォームズ) のメッセージ配信サービス「EngagePlus (エンゲージプラス)」を通じて提供します。今後、KDDIではトッパンフォームズをはじめ、さまざまなパートナー企業とともに郵送物のデジタル化を推進していきます。

In order to reduce mailing costs and paperless, mailed mails and other mails are being replaced with notifications through e -mails and apps, but account balance notifications sent from financial institutions and credit card companies.It is common to send the usage statement to the address of the customer who has been verified by the identity.

This function uses the "KDDI Message Cast", which allows companies to distribute messages to the " + message" app with only the customer's mobile phone number, and the "identification support service", a KDDI certification service.It is a function to send messages that require identification to identity.With your own online authentication (au ID authentication), the " + Message" app only when you can verify your identity by matching the personal information of the company that is linked to the mobile phone number.You can deliver important messages to the customer.

KDDI uses the foundation of " + message", whose number of registrants exceeded 20 million in November 2020, and promotes digitalization of mailing with partner companies, to reduce the cost of companies and the environment by paperless.Reduce the load and contribute to the company's DX (digital transformation).


This function is provided through Toppan Forms's "EngagePlus"."EngagePlus" is a hybrid distribution service that supports customer communication optimization by combining digital channels such as " + message" and SMS provided by Toppan Forms.

Click here for details of "EnglishPlus"

For "EngagePlus", please contact the following window of Toppan Forms.

Toppan Forms Co., Ltd. General Affairs Division Public Relations Department TEL: 03-6253-5730

"KDDI Message Cast" is a message distribution service that promotes communication between corporate companies,+messages, and SMS users.KDDI has jointly operated "KDDI Message Cast" with SUPERSHIP since April 1, 2021.

"KDDI Message Cast"

The "identity verification support service" is a service that immediately verifies the identity online by collecting the au contractor information held by KDDI with the personal information held by a partner company.

Identity verification support service

" + Message" is a message service that complies with RCS (Note 2), which is standardized worldwide in GSMA (Note 1).Three mobile phones have three mobile phones as a service that enriches the communication with a mobile phone number alone so that customers can use it comfortably without being aware of the mobile phone operator of the other party.We started providing on the moon.

Customers have been well received by those who know only phone numbers, such as "convenient and easy to exchange photos, videos, and email", "simple and easy to use", and "free stamps are abundant and cute".I am.

In the "Official Account", companies and organizations certified by three mobile phones have opened an account.Customers can easily exchange messages in an easy -to -understand message with images and one click, and from companies and organizations, the safety and messages of three mobile phones are reviewing the official account.We have you appreciate the sense of security that you will deliver without having to do it.

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