Demonstrate the true value of Chromebook on a remote desktop!Heavy processing can be operated while sleeping -window forest

Chromebook Easy to use



 4回にわたってChromebookとそのOS「Chrome OS」の使いこなしを解説する本特集。Thirdとなる今回は、ChromebookからWindows/Mac/Linuxをリモート操作する方法を紹介する。

 There are many terminals that have a low specifications for Chromebook.In addition, there are many tasks that are not suitable for the "Chrome OS".I want to do that on a high -spec desktop PC, but it is troublesome to go to a room with a PC while relaxing in a living room or bed.In such a case, it is convenient to set up so that it can be remotely controlled on Chromebook in advance.Heavy processing such as conversion of video files and rendering of graphics can be done simply by tapping with fingertips while rumbling.

If the connection destination is "Windows 10 Pro", you can use the official Microsoft Android app


 If readers are using Windows 10 Pro and are already using "Remote Desktop Connection" (RDP), it's not difficult.You can download the Android client app from the Google Play store and run it on Chromebook.

 Current latest version (10).0.10.1129) is supported by the client side IME, for example, a Chromebook can be converted with the IME on the "Chrome OS" side.In RDP, if you use a keyboard in the array of English, there have been problems that you will not be able to enter a specific character due to the discrepancy of the key sequence, but the support of the client side IME will alleviate such problems.

「Remote Desktop」アプリでWindows 10 Proに接続した様子Windows 10 ProでRDPを有効化する方法(Windows 10 バージョン 1709、Fall Creator Update以降)

 It may be a sermon to Buddha, but I will also introduce how to enable RDP on Windows 10 Pro.

 First, launch the "Settings" app and open the [System] - [Remote Desktop] section.Then, there is a registered field called [Enable the Remote Desktop], so let's turn it on.In order to make RDP smooth, it is recommended that you turn on the two check boxes below.

「設定」アプリを起動し、[システム]-[リモート デスクトップ]セクションを開く

 When connecting, use the PC name written below this screen.This PC name can be customized in the [System] - [Detailed Information] section.Login users can use local accounts or Microsoft accounts.

リモートデスクトップでChromebookの真価を発揮! 重い処理もごろ寝しながら操作可能 - 窓の杜

In other cases, "Chrome Remote Desktop" is easy

Google自身が提供する「Chrome リモート デスクトップ」。PCへのリモートアクセスと画面の共有(リモートアシスタント)が利用可能

 If RDP such as Windows 10 Home is not available, another method will be taken.Solutions can be used by "TeamViewer" or "AnyDesk", but it would be safest to use the "Chrome Remote Desktop" provided by Google.

Setting Windows/Mac/Linux devices

 First, let's proceed with the setting of the operated side, Windows/Mac/Linux device (PC) settings.

 First, launch "Chrome" on your PC, and to the address bar "Remotedesktop.Google.Enter "com/access".On the way, you need to log in with the "Google account", where you will log in with the same account you are using on Chromebook.

遠隔操作したいPCで「」を開く。途中、「Google アカウント」でのログインが必要となる「」にアクセスした様子。[リモート アクセスの設定]というセクションにダウンロードボタンがあるはずだ

 When the [Remote Access] screen is displayed on the "Google Chrome Remote Desktop" website, click the download button in the [Remote Access Settings] section to get the extension and companion app (linked software).Note that the extension is installed as it is, but the companion app needs to be started and set up from a download folder or the like.

拡張機能とコンパニオンアプリ(連携ソフト)を入手。故あってスクリーンショットは「Firefox」になっているが、「Chrome」でもやり方は同じだ(「Firefox」でも「Chrome リモート デスクトップ」は利用可能)

 Once the app setup is completed, the setting wizard will appear continuously, so follow the guidance to perform [Select Name] and [PIN input] (6 digits or more).Both are required to remotely access this PC later.

遠隔操作したいPCで「」を開く。途中、「Google アカウント」でのログインが必要となる「」にアクセスした様子。[リモート アクセスの設定]

 After the input with the wizard, the PC is registered in the [Device] section, and the state becomes "online", the settings are complete.

Remembering Windows/Mac/Linux devices from Chromebook

 If you want to access your PC from Chromebook, first in the web browser, "Remotedesktop.Google.Access "Com/Access".Then you can see that the PC you set up earlier is registered in the [Remote Device] section.


 After that, select this and enter PIN.A desktop screen of a remote PC is displayed on the browsing screen of the web browser.If it is troublesome to enter a PIN every time, [Save PIN on this device.Let's turn on the check box.


 When using "Google Chrome Remote Desktop" on a PC or Chromebook, it seems that the use of mice and keyboards is assumed.It is difficult to operate with a touch panel alone, but it is still convenient if you want to check the progress of the progress on the PC.

 Remote desktop connection settings can be accessed from the arrow button at the end of the screen.The side panel opens and you can access various options here.If you want to always display the side panel, click the pin icon.If you press the arrow key at the top, the display position will be switched to the left or right end.


 This panel has various options.For example, if the connected PC is a multi -monitor environment, it is possible to switch the monitor to be displayed.You can also upload or download files.Furthermore, if the [Statistical Information] option is enabled, information such as the connection speed and frame rate can be displayed overlay on a graph.This is useful for troubleshooting when the remote connection does not go well.


If you do not use it for a long time, disable remote connection

 Remote desktop sessions (connections) are all encrypted to protect security.There is no need to worry about the Remote PC operated unless you are hijacked your Google account and the PIN is stolen.

 However, if you do not use it for a long time, you may want to disable the remote connection just in case."Remotedesktop.Google.If you click the garbage box icon of the PC in "Com/Access", the remote connection setting will be destroyed and you will not be accessible.

長期間利用しない場合は、念のためリモート接続を無効化しておくとよいリモート サポート機能で助けてもらう

 "Google Chrome Remote Desktop" is also available for remote support.If the aforementioned extensions and companion apps are installed, "Remotedesktop" in "Chrome".Google.Just access Com/Support and press the [Code] button in the [Share this screen] section.Tell the other party the code and "Remotedesktop.Google.Ask you to be connected from "Com/Support".

「Google Chrome リモート デスクトップ」は遠隔サポートにも利用できる

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