[dark] ask me where to get the real estate phone number "00000" and ask the lawyer if it is illegal. Rocket News 24

A phone call from an unknown number is a little scary. What is this number? There was a call like this the other day. Even if there are no clues, there are a lot of calls from numbers you don't know at work, so that's what the other person calls himself when he tries to get out. I am Nishida (pseudonym) of P (company name). What's that? I've never heard of the company name or the other party's name.

After listening to this, this is the sale of real estate. "I'm not interested," he said. "I hung up to let you know the system." No, I care more about the system that gets my number than real estate! I interviewed Mr. Nishida there.

Even if the purpose is hidden, it will only go around, so just hit the ball and ask. How did you get this number?

Mr. Nishida: "I looked at the business list and called you."

Mm-hmm. It seems that something on the list exists. However, of course, I don't remember providing personal information on these lists. How did you get that list?

Mr. Nishida: "this is purchased from the roster company."

This is very honest. What a good man. There's nothing wrong with it. I've saved about 20 million yen. It would be nice to buy an apartment from Mr. Nishida.

Put this here, it is clear that the roster company exists and sells my personal information without authorization. Because it is the purchase I said, so this is for sure. Of course, I don't remember saying I could sell phone numbers.

【闇】不動産の営業電話にどこから電話番号を入手したか聞いたら「〇〇〇〇〇」→ 違法じゃないのか弁護士に聞いてみた | ロケットニュース24

Mr. Nishida's company deals in real estate. What is the roster company? Can you eat just by selling other people's phone numbers? In other words, isn't it good to give me a commission because you can only make a profit by selling my stuff?

It looks easy. I want to find a job. So I asked Mr. Nishida about the name of the roster company that bought my information.

Mr. Nishida: "I'm sorry. We will take non-disclosure measures. "

Such an answer. "do not disclose", what is being sold is my personal information. Well, is there no legal problem with the protection of personal information? I always felt that Mr. Nishida was gray all of a sudden, so I decided to discuss it with my lawyer.

The person who asked about the matter was Akira Furukawa, a lawyer at Hirano comprehensive law firm. Is there no legal problem with the sale of this personal information?

"buying and selling personal information (rosters) is not an immediate violation of the law," Furukawa said. Suppose your personal information is Nakazawa adult "Merchant A" Merchant B, this time Merchant B called. When you provide personal information to merchant A yourself

1 if you agree to solicit the use of real estate and investment products, and agree that merchant A provides it to a third party, then the information between merchant AB is not illegal.

With regard to 2, "although there is information provided to a third party, at the request of the adult Nakazawa, stop deleting from the list and providing it to the third party in firm A. "when there is such a clause, there are cases in which we do not know whether there is a form provided by a third party, and the result is agreed, so we need to pay attention to it.

In any case, although there are no 12 consents, it is illegal to provide it to a third party. "

Well, although there is no memory of real estate persuasion and consent at all, I don't know if they are mixed up in the detailed terms of some registration. Well, under the general circumstances of asking for a stop, does merchant A not know? I feel like I've drilled the eyes of the law.

"if the business calling is a company dealing with personal information (which is usually the case with persuasion calls after looking at the list), we have an obligation to record where it was received," Gukawa said.

However, in the case of the personal disclosure request of this record, the disclosure obligation of the current personal Information Protection Law has not been stipulated, but the appropriate response should be considered.

As a result, it is currently difficult to seek legal disclosure from suppliers who make phone calls, and as a result, it is difficult to determine whether the information is provided in a legal process.

By the way, the revised personal Information Protection Law, which will be implemented next year, also clearly records the disclosure obligations, and the correspondence of operators will also change.

In any case, for the calling company, we can ask about it by requesting the disclosure of the content of Mr. Nakazawa's personal information and the provider it holds. "

That is to say. I hear he's going to be out next year, Mr. Nissida. On the other hand, it is also considered as "should be properly dealt with" in the current law, so it is also gray from the current situation. However, this answer should be decided by the company. When the company's rules are legal wrestling, office workers are too hot.

So, in the sense of helping people like Mr. Nishida, I want the roster company to remove my name from the invited list. I repeat, there is no memory of even agreeing to the purpose of real estate investment persuasion.

Writing: Photo:Locketnews24 Nakazawa. [the English version of this article is here / Read in English]

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