Compare 19 selections of electronic form systems!Explains the characteristics and selections of each product | IT product comparison

In recent years, the number of companies that digitize form management is increasing.Although it has not been introduced yet, many people will eventually want to respond.In this article, we will introduce recommended electronic form systems.At the same time, the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic form system, how to choose and the precautions when operating are also explained.If you want to know about the electronic form system or are looking for recommended products, please take a look.

  1. What is an electronic form system?
  2. 6 functions of electronic form systems
  3. Five advantages of electronic form systems
  4. Three disadvantages of electronic form systems
  5. 19 recommended electronic format systems
  6. Three points to choose an electronic form system
  7. Three precautions when operating an electronic form system
  8. summary

What is an electronic form system?

An electronic form system is a system that digitizes, distributes, and manages all forms, such as invoices and supervision chart.In the traditional paper form, it took many time to create, print, mail, and store by handwriting and handwriting.

On the other hand, the electronic form system can complete all processes on digital.If you can reduce the trouble of the form, it will lead to improving work efficiency and reducing costs.

By the way, when storing forms in electronic data, it is necessary to meet the "electronic data storage requirements" in the electronic book storage method.Simply dealing with digital forms cannot meet the preservation requirements.

There are two elements of electronic data storage requirements, "securing truth" and "securing visibility", and each requires detailed requirements.

It is difficult to meet the legal requirements only by self -management.On the other hand, there are many products that meet various preservation requirements in the electronic form system.From the viewpoint of laws and regulations, the electronic form system will be useful.

The background of the spread of electronic form systems is that the law on electronic data for forms has been established.

In 1998, the Electronic Book Preservation Law was enforced, and the transition to electronic data of national tax documents began.Then, in 2005, the e-document law was enforced.Not only national tax books but also forms are eligible.Since then, the range of effective electronic data has been expanded, and the hurdles for the introduction of the electronic form system have fallen.

In the future, the revision in January 2022 will be enforced, such as the elimination of approval by the tax office, and the time stamp easing.It is expected that it will become even more widespread because an environment that is easy to introduce an electronic form system will be set up.

6 functions of electronic form systems

The six main functions of the electronic form system are summarized in the following table.


With the above six functions, you can centrally unify the form from creating and storing the form on a digital.There are also support functions such as cooperation and search, so there is no special time to use form data.

So, what are the specific benefits when introducing an electronic form system?

Five advantages of electronic form systems

If you use an electronic form system, you can manage forms in bulk management on your computer.In paper media, you can do the work of the hand -handed form, mail, and store on a personal computer, so you can expect efficiency of work.

In addition, since the system manages mechanically, it can be expected to reduce artificial mistakes.For example, using the automatic reading function of the form can be used to prevent data malfunction and correction.If you set the automatic distribution function of the form, you will be able to eliminate mistakes such as incorrect form transmission and email destination mistakes.

If artificial mistakes are reduced, the loss of time will be reduced, further improving business efficiency.

The next advantage is the cost and effort reduction.Introducing an electronic form system can reduce labor costs and reduce labor costs.In addition, paperlessness will eliminate various expenses such as paper, stamps, and envelopes.

In addition, you can get to the target data immediately after searching, so you do not need to search from the storage location for each form.Confirmation and sharing of forms will be smooth, and you can reduce extra work.In addition, the electronic form system has a function to reduce the man -hours of employees, such as the automatic destruction function of data that has passed the storage period.

With an electronic form system, you can keep a safe form storage.Since the electronic form system has a user authentication and lock function, browsing and editing forms can be limited to specific employees.

The time stamp function that remains the data editing logs can also prevent data tampering.Physical theft and losses that can occur in paper forms do not occur in the electronic form system.

The form is an important thing that contains corporate information.The electronic form system can be managed more robust than the paper form management locked in the storage location.

One of the benefits is social contributions due to environmental measures.Companies are now required not only for profits, but also for social responsibilities such as environmental activities and donations.Therefore, if the electronic form system is introduced, it is possible to prevent environmental measures by paperless.

As a company that is engaged in environmental measures, it will give a clean image to the company and acquire social trust.

Managing forms with an electronic form system can reduce the risk of data loss in the event of a disaster.Since the electronic form system has a backup function, it can be restored from the cloud or in -house server even if the company is in a disaster.

In the case of paper forms, there is a high risk that it will disappear in the event of a disaster, which may hinder business resuming.Since the data of the electronic form system can be recovered immediately, it is also effective as a disaster countermeasure.

The above five were the advantages of the electronic form system.Conversely, let's check what elements are in the disadvantages.

Three disadvantages of electronic form systems

Introducing an electronic form system will result in costs and effort that did not cost on paper forms.For example, the cost of the introduction request, the purchase cost of a computer that can incorporate a multifunction device and a system for scanning, the operation cost, etc.You will also need to create a workflow for operation.

It is important to note that even though you can reduce the trouble compared to paper form creation, it will cause a lot of new work.

When a form is converted into an electronic data, the form information is connected to the network.As long as you connect to the network, it is not zero to be a target of cyber attacks.

If the information is not disclosed outside the company, it is unlikely that you will be directly targeted.However, in the unlikely event of an in -house network, the form data may be stolen.

There are fewer threats of physical theft and destruction compared to stored on paper, but be aware that these new threats will occur.

Immediately after the introduction of an electronic form system, it is difficult to correspond to digitization of all forms.In many cases, it is often digitized from those that are easy to digitize and those that are frequently used.

It is important to note that in the early stages of the introduction, paper and electronic forms are mixed, so you may check whether it corresponds to either form or make a mistake.

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When introducing and operating an electronic form system, be careful of the above three disadvantages.

19 recommended electronic format systems


"EDIGATE/POST" is a cloud -type web -EDI service that can achieve EDI (digitization) with suppliers at low cost and short delivery.

By cooperating with the in -house system, the cost reduction of the ordering business with the supplier has been reduced and the delivery date confirmation work is reduced.The lead time is also shortened.The operation method is simple.EDI can be used simply by connecting to the Internet, so the supplier does not burden.

Equipped with a standard form function of EDI (quotation request, order form, delivery note, inspection list), these forms can be distributed by digitizing (such as PDF).


"NSW-OCR" is a service that automatically converts handwritten documents and forms.High literacy rate 96 by AI identifying characters.77%has been realized ( * survey results by NSW in 2020), which is useful to convert companies that are manually input paper forms in fixed format.

It also supports operation efficiency using OCR, such as linking with APIs and peripheral systems, and combining it with automation -compatible services such as RPAs, it will be possible to enhance dramatic efficiency.

In addition, automatic journal functions and IP address restriction options are also available.You can also try it with a free trial campaign.


"DD-CONNECT" is a service that allows electronic contract professional staff to take all of the troubles related to the introduction of the system.

Not only the sales of systems, but also the system study -introduction preparation -internal deployment -explanation to business partners -after -installation support services, and provide consistent services.

Not only consultants before the introduction, but also work agency for maintaining operation, there are also enriched after -sales follow -up, so you will be able to introduce and operate systems with confidence.


"Fibridgeii" is a product that has its strengths in ultra -high -speed conversions and searches.Realized ultra -high -speed processing by proprietary database and multiple processing.It boasts a speed that can be imported as much as 10,000 pages in one minute.

Not only search speed but also operability is one of the attractions.You can freely operate it like a paper, such as applying a note or drawing a line.There is also a wealth of optional functions, so you can add functions for further convenience.

The security aspect has enhanced functions such as restrictions on access rights and functions for each form, and preventing fraud by recording the operation log.You will be able to manage the form safely.


"Rakuraku statement" is a cloud -based service that can be issued on the web.You can issue various forms such as invoices, delivery documents, and payment details, and have the speed that can be used in one month from the application as early as the application.

In addition to issuing forms, a mailing agency service for invoices is also provided.Since it can be requested from 164 yen per copy, if you use it, you will be able to reduce the enclosure and sending work of invoices.Since the various input screen is easy to understand, it is safe for those who are not good at PC operation.

It supports the Electronic Book Storage Law, and can manage all forms from national tax documents to invoices.In addition, it is packed with functions that support form management operations, such as the flexible issuance method of forms, the setting of the approval flow, and the return function from customers.


"Contents Expert/Digital Form" has a high -performance compression function and can be compressed to 20 % or less on average.Even if paper is reduced by digitization of forms, some people may be concerned about increasing the amount of data.In that regard, "Contents Expert/DigitalForm" can reduce the data to reduce the load on the server.

One of the features is the ease of searching for data with abundant search functions.For example, it is equipped with functions such as skewered search and user comments and sticky notes.With these search functions, you will be able to quickly find the desired data.

In addition, there is an audit certification function as a security measure.Surveilling the illegal operation of the form data by outputting access logs and operation logs.


"FNX E-form FAX Service" is a cloud-type form Fax transmission service.Some business partners may want to get paper.If you use the "FNXE-form FAX Service", you will automatically send the fax just by sending the form data to the cloud.

It is very efficient because there is no need to print the form and send a fax.Since the service form is also a cloud, there is no need to prepare servers or lines like fax.It can be said that it is a service with low introduction costs.


"Auto Form EX" is also a cloud -type fax transmission service.Even if you do not prepare a telephone line or equipment in -house, you can send faxes to the specified destination simply by uploading data.

In addition, it is possible to cooperate with many other companies' products.By cooperating, mailing agency and web statements can be shipped, so the work load can be reduced while responding to the request of the business partner.Because the fee is a charging system based on the number of transmitted pieces, it will only be expensive.For a company that does not cause fax transmission, it is a great price system.


"Naviex Press" is an automatic form of forms.By automatically distributing all forms of forms, the economic and time costs for paper mailing are reduced.1 Since it can be sent up to 500MB per transmission, it is safe even if it is transmitted with large capacity data.

Various security measures are also substantial.It is equipped with security functions such as SSL connection and server encryption, so data can be safely sent.

In addition, the transmission destination can be confirmed by the tracking function.In conventional paper mailing and faxes, it is not clear that the other person really received it.However, "Naviex Press" shows the data download status on the browser, so it can be transmitted reliably.


The function of "PAPLES" is roughly divided into five.Creation, import, storage, management, utilization, and output are characterized by each function.For example, if you create it, you can easily create a form just by incorporating RDB or CSV -type data.Since the form can be designed in other languages, you can create global forms such as Japanese and English.

In storage and management, you can make detailed settings.It can be set according to the importance of the form, such as the storage period of the form and the permission of the user.In addition, "PAPLES" has a variety of solutions, so you can use it according to your purpose.


"Bun -text ReportManager" is a system that automatically classifies and manages the form.It automatically reads the form information and sorted according to the classified item set in advance.To accurately classify it without using human hands, you will be able to reduce artificial mistakes, such as mistakes and classifications.

In addition, the support of thorough automatic function, such as automatic disposal of forms after the storage deadline, and automatic transfer of output forms, can be reduced to the limit.The form data stored in the storage is not edited, so it is also useful for tampering.

Since the system has acquired "Jiima Authentication", which meets the preservation requirements of the electronic book storage method, it is possible to manage national tax documents together.


"FileVolante" is a management and storage system of forms specializing in cooperation with open systems.In various form design tools, a highly versatile PDF format is adopted, enabling cooperation with many design tools.The flexibility to capture the design of different design tools is attractive.

Data is easy to search for each hierarchical display or created date, and the interface can be operated intuitively with a simple configuration.


"SPA" is a solution that digitizes, stores, and manages documents using AI OCR.AIOCR is a technology that recognizes and digitizes the characters in paper and images.SPA's unique AIOCR accurately digitizes handwritten characters and multiple lines.Furthermore, recognition rate 99.It is very high accuracy of 2%.

It is equipped with a time stamp, search, and testimony management function, so it supports the electronic book storage method.


"DX SUITE" is a system that reads, digitizes, classifies, and manages documents with high accuracy.Digitizes the characters in the uploaded image with your own AI OCR "IntelligentOCR".You can read not only printing but also handwritten letters.

Digitized documents are automatically sorted, and even if you upload them together, they are classified by type.Because of the cloud service, it can be easily introduced and started.


"Filist" is an electronic form system that manages the form into a PDF.Read the text in PDF and automatically classify each form.It also supports Office files such as Word and Excel, and is stored in PDF when uploading.

In addition, there are many functions that are useful for browsing and managing forms such as various search methods, handwriting memos to data, and sticky notes.It supports multi -devices, so you can easily access the form data from outside the company.


"Cloud ERP FREEE" is a tool that allows you to apply, issue, and manage invoices and approval documents in the cloud.Since data is shared on the cloud, you can quickly approve applications and settlement processing.In addition, exchanges with quotes with business partners and invoices can be completed online.Even if the business partner does not support online, it is possible to request mail from 150 yen per copy.

Because it is specialized in the cloud, tax reforms, correspondence to changing legal requirements, and updates to new functions are automatically reflected in the client system.


"Finereport" is a multifunctional system that can create and manage forms and analyze BI.Create management dashboards on a variety of graphs and maps, and analyze them in conjunction with form data to visualize management issues and goals.

The web form can be designed freely from the layout, and is equipped with basic functions such as data output, management, and authority function.It is also accessible from a mobile device, and buyers and sales representatives can immediately check the form data from the site.


"E-Image" is an electronic form system that captures, distributes, and manages form data.The form -definition function automatically classifies the read form, reducing the trouble of managing.

When checking the form data, you can immediately extract the desired data using high -precision and high -speed search functions.Furthermore, since it supports the electronic book storage method, strict form management can be realized.


"OCR Designer" is a reading and storage system of documents.Automatically reads letters from the scanned paper and convert to text data.You can save not only text information but also image images.

With a high -speed processing function, multiple documents can be read continuously, so that work time can be shortened and efficient.Data is output to CSV and can be linked with other systems.

Three points to choose an electronic form system

When choosing an electronic form system, consider which method of creation, distribution, and management.The products to be selected will also change depending on the most important usage.For example, if you want to create a large amount of forms and want to create automatically, we recommend products with automatic reading functions.

Also, if you are considering using it outside the company, check if it is compatible with multi -devices or the format of the form you are currently using.When introducing an electronic form system, it is important to choose a product that suits your usage and purpose.

If you have a lot of form stored on paper, it is important to capture the data of paper media.Nevertheless, companies that have introduced an electronic form system for the first time may keep the form before the introduction on paper.However, if you keep it on paper, there is a risk of deterioration and loss of materials, and the trouble of searching for forms.

Considering the disadvantages of storing paper as it is, it is better to keep the forms of the form up to that in accordance with the introduction of the electronic form system.At that time, you can work smoothly if there is a function such as a paper scan storage and a textbook extraction of text.If you digitize a huge amount of paper data, check if there is a function that is easy to capture.

Companies with many business partners and related companies have a huge number of forms.In order to handle a huge number of forms, the high -system processing capacity is essential.If the processing capacity is low, the following cases may occur.

When such a situation occurs, work efficiency is poor.If you want a huge form with an electronic form system, pay attention to the product processing capacity.

Let's consider the optimal electronic form system based on the three selections.Finally, I will talk about the precautions after the introduction of the electronic form system.

Three precautions when operating an electronic form system

The first precaution is that it costs introduction and operation costs.The initial cost of the introduction of an electronic form system is not cheap.It is convenient for multifunctional products, but also costs expenses.

If there are few forms to handle, monthly system costs may be higher than reduced labor costs and effort.Before introducing an electronic form system, ask for an estimate of the introduction and operation cost, and compare it with the current operating cost.

When operating an electronic form system, a stable environment on the company is required.The storage period of the form is seven years and the deficit is set to 10 years, which accumulates up to 10 years of form data.Therefore, no matter how much storage data increases, it will be essential to operate stably.

Also, since the electronic form system is handled on the device, it is not available when the server or system goes down.In the case of a cloud type, if you cannot connect to the network, you will not be able to access the data.When operating an electronic form system, a stable system environment is important in addition to devices that can handle huge amounts of data.

When newly introducing an electronic form system, you must rebuild the business flow.Instead of the no handwriting, handwriting, handling, enclosing, and sorting that you did in paper forms, you need to create rules to handle the form with electrons.For example, creating a new procedure for form management, the person in charge, and education procedures.

If you reconstruct business flows before the introduction, you will be able to move smoothly from paper to electron.


So far, we have introduced the comparison and functions of the 21 electronic form systems products.Finally, let's review what we have explained.

With an electronic form system, you can manage the form smoothly.Compare each product carefully and choose a product that suits your company.If you want to know more about the electronic form system, please request the product material.

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