Save electricity while comfortably air-conditioning! The visualization of electricity consumption is the key! (Hongchi Kenzo)-personal-Yahoo! Journalism

There are more opportunities to see the air conditioner's topic of "it's more cost-effective to stay open for less than 30 minutes". It can be seen that many people are very interested in saving electricity.

On the other hand, the efficiency of air conditioners varies according to geographical and residential conditions, and it is impossible to generalize that "this is the best".

In this article, the author introduces the main points of skillful use according to the rules of recording his own electricity bill and measuring the electricity consumption of the latest air conditioners in the past 20 years. The decisive factor is the "visualization of electricity consumption".

Please apply it according to your family. In fact, even if you are comfortable, the electricity bill can be surprisingly cheap.

It's actually getting cheaper! Electricity charge for air conditioners

Compared with young people, middle-aged and elderly people are more concerned about the electricity cost of air-conditioning. The background is that the lower the efficiency of air conditioners goes back to the years, and the fact that they "eat a lot of electricity", compared with their income, the unit price of electricity is very high, which is also affected.

For example, from various data to infer the gap between 1980 and 2021, I think the current electricity charge of air conditioners can be said to be about 1/4, at least less than half.

If the old people around you suffer from fever or worry about heatstroke, please be sure to tell them that "electricity is as inexpensive as before."

Is it true that you don't care if you go out in 30 minutes?

Is it true that "always on" has become a topic as a way to save the electricity bill of air conditioners?

There was an idea a long time ago: "it's more cost-effective to turn on the power than to turn on the power frequently." This is because when you turn on the power supply of the air conditioner, you need to consume a lot of electricity when starting, and when you cool, you need to cool the warmed room. However, there is no such conclusion: "how many minutes will it take to keep going?"

Among them, the air-conditioning equipment giant Dai Jin's experimental results published (2018) is epoch-making.

The electricity charge of the air conditioner is "on all the time" or "on all the time". Which is the one that saves electricity? (Daikin)

The result of the actual use of two apartments with the same conditions here is, "if you go out for 35 minutes during the day and 18 minutes at night, you will be 'always open'." "I made it clear.

I think this clear and persuasive result has something to do with the promotion of the idea that it is cost-effective to insist on going out all the time.

However, there is one point worth noting. These are different conditions, such as weather and room. The report also said that "it is greatly affected by the weather, such as external temperature changes and sunshine." When readers refer, they also need to consider the thermal insulation performance of the house.

By the way, the report also provides the following details.

The temperature and temperature of 14:30 when we go home after 30 minutes are measured. The results show that the temperature of the 'always open' room is 26.5C, 69% of each time, and the temperature of the 'frequent entry' room is 27.5C, 77.7C each time. "

In other words, the room rises every 30 minutes, in which case it is more cost-effective to keep it open until 35 minutes.

In real homes, measuring the change in room temperature when the air conditioner is off during the day and measuring the time higher than once will become the standard of "going out with good value for money". For example, because of the Ski Ma style and low thermal insulation, if it rises every 15 minutes, it can be considered that "it is more cost-effective to drive all the time" is 15 minutes. In order to cool the air in the warm room again, the corresponding electricity is needed, but under the condition of low thermal insulation and high loss, more power is needed for temperature maintenance.

Is the ventilation in front of the air conditioner cost-effective?

節電しつつ快適にエアコン冷房!消費電力の見える化が決め手!(鴻池賢三) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

If you go home during the day, you will want to release the hot air in ventilation and then cool it. However, it also depends on the situation.

When the author lives in an old wooden house with low thermal insulation, when the windows are closed during the day with more sunshine, the indoor temperature is often higher than the external temperature. Now living in energy-efficient houses with high thermal insulation, the temperature rise caused by sunshine is very small, and the main reason for the rise in room temperature is the inflow of external air.

In other words, when you go out, you should close the windows when there is no air-conditioning, and don't change air before you go home during the day, so as to restrain the power consumption of the air-conditioning. (ventilated 24 hours through a ventilator)

In real households, it is recommended to determine whether the temperature rise is caused by sunlight or external air inflow.

The latest air conditioner can confirm the power consumption! You have to do the experiment yourself!

Recent air conditioners support Wi-Fi, which can be operated on smartphones and can confirm power consumption. The chart is an example of the author's family. The door that opens the room consumes 300~400Wh from noon to around 18:00, and when closed, it is limited to around 15 tatami (LDK), the power consumption will be halved like a chart.

The power consumption of air conditioning is proportional to the amount of air cooled at the same set temperature. Of course, it is also taken for granted, so it seems that the effect is easy to understand and has something to do with practice. I began to notice that I forgot to close the door.

In addition, if such a detailed chart shows, the difference between the opening and closing of the curtains can also be known. Our family is convinced that direct sunlight does not enter the room during the day, and the thermal insulation performance of paired glass is higher, but closing the curtains can save about 10%. This is what I found.

In a general "statement", it is difficult to find the best way to suit each family environment. How to use IoT technology to find a comfortable and power-saving way for every family?

One air conditioner or two?

It is more cost-effective to either cool multiple rooms with a large air conditioner or install multiple air conditioners with moderate capacity in each room at the same time.

This is also a perennial concern, the above air-conditioning consumption of electricity to understand, the royal families should be able to judge.

By the way, in the author's house, it is cost-effective for two cars to run at the same time. As mentioned earlier, when the door opens, where 300~400Wh is consumed, the number of things closed is reduced by an average of about 180W. In addition, using 2.2kw air conditioning to cool the 6 tatami rooms leaving the room consumes less power, about 100W, totaling about 300W, equivalent to the following.

If you run 2, the overall efficiency should be reduced, but it will not cool corridors and hallways, so that waste can be curbed.

Whether it is a waste to cool corridors and hallways depends on what families think, but if you can see the consumption of electricity, you can try various models to confirm.

How much is the electricity charge for the latest air conditioner?

The indicator for understanding air conditioning efficiency is "APF" (annual energy consumption efficiency). Companies rank at the top of the energy-saving model, and the higher the APF, the more it helps to save electricity bills. If it is a room with a long running time, even if the air conditioner is expensive, the possibility of reducing the total cost is also very high by saving electricity. On the contrary, if there is little running time, the result is the opposite. From the perspective of environmental protection, I want to choose the type of energy saving, but from the point of view of expenditure, please play abacus in every family.

The chart shows the July performance of the 4.0kW air conditioner (APF 7.2energy-saving type) produced by my family Sharp. About 20 tatami in the apartment, about 24:00 at noon, 28 degrees set the driving result, about 1200 yen. Compared with the data of our family 20 years ago, it is about half. Feel the improvement of residential thermal insulation and the evolution of air conditioning. If it's about 50 yen a day, it's cheaper than eating cold drinks. The use of moderate air conditioning can be said to be comfortable and reasonable.

In addition, also in the author's home, also measured the power consumption of the air conditioner set up in the 6 tatami room. Since the air conditioner cannot display detailed power consumption per hour, it is confirmed with a device that can measure the power consumption separately. It is understood that when the daily and external temperature is 32 degrees, the indoor temperature will be kept at 28 degrees, about 100Wh (100W per hour). The electricity bill is about 2.5 yuan per hour. APF is 5.8, which is not a particularly energy-saving type, but if the room with 6 tatami is set to 28 degrees which is not too cold, there is not much difference between power consumption and TV. (by the way, the author uses computers to consume 300Wh in his games.)

To the maximum extent

Although it is a long speech, if you can see clearly the consumption of electricity and make efforts on how to use it, the consumption of electricity in air conditioners is actually not very large. I think you already understand.

Through this report, it would be great to achieve a life that is both impatient and comfortable, energy-saving and economical.

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