Mob -programming collective habits can be soils to improve technical quality

INFOQ Homepage News Mob Programming Collective Habits can be a soil to increase technical quality


December 1, 2021 Completion time 6 minutes



Link to the original (Posted: 2021/11/04)

Mob (Mob) programming is an effective way to turn the product into a new and effective habit in developing products using agile methods.The customs cultivated in a group in an environment surrounded by people are not easy to forget.Mob programming makes it easier to incorporate them by constantly practicing new habits to each member.The team does not accept the same work.I'm always looking for a better way to do my job.

CHRIS LUCIAN, a software development director at HUNTER Industries, gave a lecture on improving technical skills with mob programming and collective habits at Agile 2021.

Lucian explains that the improvement of habits is a natural result of mob programming.

When a new group gathers and the mob begins, there are all kinds of useful proposals.Lucian gives an example.

This is the same even if everyone is unfamiliar with the IDE, and while one person navigates, while one person is operating, someone else finds the function, finds an auto format, and teaches it to the team.Is considered.

Lucian explains that in this case, it should be easy to see how the team's system is naturally improved.Each person has different experience and preferences, so you can find the best combination of each habit and share it with everyone.

As another big by -product of Mob, Lucian stated that the team would be unforgettable in repeat work.


He interviewed CHRIS Lucian about the improvement of teams with mob programming and collective habits.

Infoq: How did you create a collective habit through mob programming?

Infoq: What do you need to change individual habits?

INFOQ: Could you give some examples of habits that have been useful for reducing product bugs?How did you notice those habits?

Infoq: What had been affected by changing the habit?What were the benefits?

Infoq: What did you learn?

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