Characteristics of “people who get loans for some reason” even though their credit information is black

(*The photo is an image / PIXTA)

Why is my credit information black? Characteristics of people who get loans

Mr. Hirokazu Tahara, a financing advisor, says that anyone can raise funds if they know the conditions and timing when financial institutions want to lend, and are well prepared for it. The biggest chance to get a loan is before the start-up, where you can borrow without financial statements. As one of the points to succeed in pre-founding loans, let's take a look at the "credit information" here.

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If you are "financial black", you are more likely to fail the loan examination

■ Check your credit information and your family's credit information with "CIC (CIC)" "I had a credit accident There is a higher risk of failing the examination if you have had delays in paying your mobile phone bill. You may think, "Isn't it obvious if I keep quiet?", but it's not so easy. There is a company called C.I.C. (CIC). A company jointly invested by credit companies and financial institutions, etc., collects, manages, provides, and discloses credit information on consumer credit and loan use for proper credit and loan transactions. When you apply for a loan, the financial institution checks CIC's credit information and decides whether to lend the money. If it turns out that there is a flaw in the credit information here, it will be difficult to finance. In fact, CIC allows not only member financial companies but also borrowers to disclose and check their own credit information if they apply. If you are worried about delays that have occurred accidentally, such as "There was a delay in payment due to insufficient account balance", we recommend that you check your CIC information once. . the method is easy. You can obtain a disclosure report in PDF by selecting the "Check your credit information" page from the CIC website on your computer or smartphone and following the instructions. The disclosure fee is 1,000 yen and can only be paid by credit card. If you do not have a credit card, you can send it by mail or present it at the CIC window. You can also check credit information for consumer finance on the website of the Japan Credit Information Center (JICC). ■ "Hiding financial blacks" is the worst thing to do, and people with black credit information can never get a loan. You can apply for 5 to 7 years until the black information disappears. It does not mean that it is not possible just by black or not, but it will be judged after taking into account the business plan and future repayment ability. The most negative evaluation is when you hide your financial blackness and find out. If you are going to do business with your spouse, do your research in advance, including black information about your family.

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