"WAABI" challenge to change the simulation of autonomous driving with AI (Forbes Japan) --Yahoo! News



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AIで自動運転のシミュレーションを変える「Waabi」の挑戦(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース

Last year, Toronto's AI (artificial intelligence) startup "WAABI", which escaped stealth mode, has developed an advanced simulator to train automatic driving cars. The simulator is said to be able to conduct thorough training earlier than the public road tests that rival companies are focusing on, assuming all situations in the virtual world. According to the WAABI founder and CEO Raquel Urtasun, the company's "WAABI WORLD" platform reproduces the actual world situation and rarely occurs "edge case". The company will achieve more comprehensive tests than the platform used by competitors, such as being able to create it. By constantly learning software in the elaborate virtual world, various vehicles, from robot taxi to semi -trucks, can be automated. "Our tools are the most scalable and high -performance closed loop simulator, which is the key to widening autonomous driving technology. Waabi World automatically automatically test automatic driving software tested by us. URTASUN says that it is a immersive and highly reactive learning environment that can design and evaluate his skills. Ultimately, you can teach Waabi Driver your driving skills, "URTASUN says. Urstan also serves as a professor at the University of Toronto's computer science and has a career as a chief scientist in the Uber's Automatic Cars Development Team. According to her, WABBI is currently focusing on software intensive training and has no plans to license the Waabi World platform to other automatic car development companies. "We are moving forward at a very fast speed," Urstan said, but she did not tell the details. Automatic driving startups such as Cruise, Cruise, Ford and Volkswagen, ZOOX under the umbrella, ZOOX under Amazon, and TUSIMPLE, an autonomous truck maker, and simulate the simulation at the same time. Although it is driving a huge distance above, it is unclear when Robotaxi and autonomous driving trucks will spread widely.


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最終更新:Forbes JAPAN

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