What to do when Google account verification code does not arrive on smartphone

Register a phone number or email address for resetting in case you can't log in to your Google account.

However, what should I do if I don't receive the 6-digit confirmation code when I try to register my reset phone number or email address?

Causes and solutions when Google account verification codes do not arrive

There are 6 main reasons why verification codes do not arrive. Let's see how to deal with it step by step.

Google is temporarily unavailable

If Google services are temporarily unavailable, you cannot request a verification code for resetting. In this case, please wait for a while and try again.

I changed the communication carrier without changing the phone number

If you change the communication carrier without changing the phone number, such as docomo → au, immediately after that, even if you request a confirmation code, the text will be sent. Messages may not arrive immediately. It may be available after waiting for a while, so let's try again.

Your carrier blocked messages from Google

Your carrier, such as docomo or au, may have accidentally blocked the text message containing the verification code sent by Google. Ask your carrier not to block messages from Google.

Your smartphone is not connected to the Internet or the signal strength is poor

If you do not receive an SMS containing a confirmation code, your signal is poor.If you do not receive an email, your smartphone is connected to the Internet. may not.

Google account confirmation code on smartphone What to do when Google account verification code does not arrive</p><p>If you are in a place with poor signal strength, move to a different location and try again. Also, switch Wi-Fi/mobile data communication and try again.</p><h4>Smartphone Problem</h4><p>The verification code may not be requested due to a problem with your smartphone. Restart your device and try requesting a verification code again.</p><h4>You made multiple reset verification code requests</h4><p>If you make multiple verification code requests at the same time, you will receive an error message. Please note that there is a limit to the number of recovery code requests that can be submitted per day.</p><p>If you think you've exceeded the limit, try again in 24 hours.</p><p>[Reference] I didn't receive a text message with a code</p><h3>What to do when you can't enter the verification code for your Google account</h3><p>The verification code you receive from Google consists of

If you enter the verification code and it doesn't work, try again with a new 6-digit verification code.

Two-step verification to increase the security of your Google account

Once you have registered your phone number or email address for resetting, set up "Two-step verification process" to increase the security of your Google account. Why don't you try it?

If there is a login from a third party, there is a high possibility that unauthorized access can be prevented.

[Related article] Google "2-step verification process" to protect your account from unauthorized access and how to set it up

The confirmation code for two-step verification did not arrive

If you do not receive the confirmation code for two-step verification, the solution is the same as if you did not receive the confirmation code for resetting.

・Wait for a while and try again・If your carrier is blocking messages from Google, contact them and ask them to unblock them・Restart your smartphone・Try again in a place with good signal conditions

Review! How to create a Google account

Some people may want to create a Google account. However, since it's my first time, I don't know how to make it... In such a case, please refer to the related article below and try to get a new Google account.

[Related article] You can do it in 3 minutes! Super easy way to create a Google account

Can I create multiple Google accounts with the same phone number?

When registering a Google account, enter the phone number of the smartphone you are currently using to prove that the account creator is you.

This phone number can basically be used multiple times, so you can create multiple Google accounts with one phone number. However, if you use it too much, a screen like the picture above will appear and you will not be able to create an account, so be careful.

Can children create Google accounts?

If you want to create a Google account for a child under the age of 12, refer to the following reference sites.

[Reference] Create a Google Account for your child

* Data is based on editorial research as of early October 2021. *Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, we do not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the content. * Please use and operate the product at your own risk.

Written by Akira Takamizawa

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