A cast function has been added to the out -of -home viewing app "Dixim Play".It is possible to take over from the smartphone version to the TV version

 宅外視聴アプリ「DiXiM Play」にキャスト機能が追加。スマホ版からテレビ版へ引き継ぎ視聴が可能に

Digion Co., Ltd. has updated the Android / Amazon Fire tablet version, and the Amazon Fire TV version in the "Dixim Play" app that allows you to watch recorded programs in your home recorder and broadcast programs.A new cast function "Dixim Link" has been added.With this function, you can cast a TV program played on the Android TV version / Amazon Fire TV version on the Android version / Amazon Fire tablet version, and enjoy the continuation of the program on the TV large screen.After the cast, from the Android version / Amazon Fire tablet version, operations such as playback / pause / skip can be browsed, and it can be handled like a remote control.In addition, the Android TV version / Amazon Fire TV version is compatible with the "remote viewing function" that can access the recorder at home from outside home and watch recording / broadcast programs.You can enjoy TV programs even if you use a mobile projector at the camp destination.In addition to this, in 2022, it will also support "take -out viewing" that can download and regenerate recorded programs from the recorder to the terminal.Until December 20, 2021, the company has been conducting a half price campaign to commemorate the launch of the new application "Dixim Play U".You can purchase each of Dixim Play U and Dixim Play at half the price of the regular price.

Editorial Department: Masanobu Seito


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