Can Samsung employees buy it too?Samsung portable projectors are popular overseas

January 17th (Monday) 10:00 Record China


On the 14th, Money Today Co., Ltd. reported that Samsung Electronics' portable projector "The Freestyle" has been popular both in Japan and overseas even before it was officially released, and pre-order sales have already been sold out one after another.

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On January 14, 2022, Money Today, South Korea, reported that Samsung Electronics' portable projector "The Freestyle" was popular both in Japan and overseas even before it was officially released, and pre-order sales have already been sold out one after another. rice field. According to the article, Samsung Electronics unveiled "The Freestyle" at the world's largest electronic and IT trade fair "Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022" held in Las Vegas, USA on the 4th. The pre-order sales that started in North America immediately after that, said that the 3600 units that had been prepared were sold out in 6 days. Pre-order sales began on the 11th in South Korea, but 1000 units were sold out on the same day, saying, "Before the official release, it has been talked about" I can't buy it even if I want it "at home and abroad." Samsung Electronics also made a reservation sale on the company's employee site, but the number prepared was sold out in 15 minutes. "The Freestyle" is a portable projector that can rotate 180 degrees freely and project a screen of up to 100 inches regardless of location such as walls, ceilings, and floors. It is lightweight at 830 grams and can be held with one hand. The price is 1.19 million won (about 110,000 yen) based on the shipping price. Samsung Electronics plans to make pre-order sales in Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, etc. from next week. Official sales are at the end of this month. In this article, Korean internet users have expressed joy such as "Proud Samsung" and "After all, there is only Samsung", but "Isn't this an article but an advertisement?" "Recently, a small amount has been sold. It seems like a strategy to advertise "sold out". "" How much do you get (from Samsung) to write such an advertising article? " In addition, there were many comments such as "We have to prevent China from getting caught" and "A copy version will be released from a Chinese manufacturer within a month." (Translation / Editing / Mae)

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