Announced policies to seek vaccination in California, US staff, such as vaccination.

Governor Gabin Newsum of California, USA said on July 26, proof of vaccination completion (Note 2) or regular inspection certification (at least 1 week a weekHe announced a policy to issue a public health order to seek).The orders will be in effect on the state employees on August 2 and the medical professionals and gathering facilities on the 9th, and the medical facilities will be fully observed by the 23rd.Governor Newsum has also announced that it will encourage all local governments and companies to adopt similar policies.

Governor Newsum explained the reason for this policy, "We are dealing with the spread of infection among vacciners. We need new initiatives to protect California from dangerous Delta mutators."In the state, the number of infected people has increased from less than 1,000 to over 7,000 as of July 27, as of July 27, as of July 27, as of July 27, compared to the early June (see article on June 18, 2021).are doing.

Movements for vaccination certificates are expanding to the food and beverage industry, and the San Francis Cover Association will prove the vaccination in the store or within 72 hours for customers who wish to sit and drink in the store from July 29.It was announced that it would ask for a negative test certificate.In the Northern California, a restaurant and bars have already been seen before the announcement, in addition to wearing masks, and seeking proof of vaccination completion.

In addition, Santa Clara in Northern California (located in about 460 Japanese companies) (Note 3), San Francisco (about 200 companies), and Contra Costa's Public Health Bureau issued a joint statement on July 22 and worked.In order to prevent the spread of the new colon virus, the employer strongly requested employees to seek vaccination.Employers are encouraged to use unprofitable employees to wear masks and frequent new colonavirus tests along the state guidelines.On July 16th, seven cities (Note 4) in Northern California, including the above -mentioned San Francisco and Santa Clara, announced that they would recommend wearing masks indoors in public facilities, regardless of vaccination.。At supermarkets and barber shops, there are also stores that require visitors to wear masks.


In addition to the United States, New York City has announced that it will oblige vaccination or regular inspections for all employees in the city by July 26 and by September 13 (see the article on July 28, 2021.)

(Note 1) According to the governor's interview on July 27, the number of states is 246,000.

(Note 2) In California, the vaccination record can be viewed on electronic.You can see the records on your computer or smartphone by entering your name, date of birth, and e -mail address for your name, date of birth, pin number transmission.In this electronic record, the same information as the vaccination card issued by the US Disease Prevention Management Center (CDC) can be confirmed.

(Note 3) The number of companies is based on the “Bay Area Japanese -Japan Survey Survey 2020”.

(Note 4) Arameda County, Contra Costa County, Marine County, San Francisco County, San Mateau County, Santa Clara County, Sonoma County, Berkeley City.

(Yuki Ishibashi)

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