10th anniversary of the business PC "MousePro", asking for a prescription for the corona crisis due to semiconductor shortages | My Navi News My Navi News My Navi

Eimon Komatsu, CEO of Mouse Computer

In the first place, what kind of year was MousePro launched in 2011? The first thing that comes to mind is the Great East Japan Earthquake of 3.11. It was also the year Apple's Steve Jobs died. I think it was around this time that the OS shares of Windows XP (released in 2001) and Windows 7 (released in 2009) were about to reverse. Whatever the case, it must have been a tumultuous time.

-- MousePro will celebrate its 10th anniversary in February 2021. First of all, what is your honest impression looking back on the last 10 years?

Komatsu: Looking back, the fact that it was a period when business for corporations was growing overall was a big factor. Also, until I started MousePro, I had a strong image of "mouse computers" as manufacturers of personal computers purchased on the web. By launching MousePro, a personal computer brand aimed at businesses, we were able to convey the message that we will properly meet the needs of our corporate customers.

Komatsu: Looking inside the company, the existence of MousePro has led to the awareness that ``we are doing things for corporations,'' and that was very good. Doing business for corporations is equivalent to emphasizing quality and support, so MousePro went beyond just a product brand and helped spread awareness of the movement to strengthen quality and support throughout the company. bottom.

-- Certainly, the 10 years of MousePro seem to coincide with a time when mouse computers as a whole focused on reducing the failure rate and quality.

-- By the way, MousePro was booming. I believe that the market environment has been flat for the past 10 years. What do you think has been the most popular factor in your growth?

Komatsu: It's all about quality.

Komatsu: For corporations, if quality doesn't follow, it won't lead to repeat customers. We put the most effort into quality, and thankfully, we were able to gain support from our customers.

Komatsu: Next, I'm struggling with stabilizing the "delivery date". In fact, we have been able to reduce as much as possible the replacement of quotations and sales negotiations. Of course, there were some issues that we were unable to deal with due to sudden fluctuations in demand, and other issues remained. However, such efforts have led to a wider base of business partners and retailers, which has been a factor in the growth of MousePro.

-- Quality and delivery. I think that the short delivery time is not limited to MousePro, but is a feature of mouse PCs as a whole, along with domestic manufacturing and shipping. In that case, there is a headwind blowing against this short delivery time. In addition to the production problems caused by the corona crisis, the global shortage of semiconductors has become a serious problem. How does MousePro deal with this headwind? Please tell us about the current situation and future prospects.

Kaneko: During 2020, we were able to continue stable supply within the range based on the forecast, but after the new year, we anticipate replacement requests from customers who were considering other companies' products. Due to the above, we are currently experiencing shortages and delays in some products.

-- What factors made you resistant to this headwind? What did you do while you were struggling with nothing anywhere?

Komatsu: Orders are adjusted very precisely. Also, in the case of mouse computers, we were able to respond to demand by accommodating mouse brand inventories for parts that MousePro lacked, or by sharing between brands. After that, looking back, sales were able to predict the demand well by reading the future.

Kaneko: Especially the demand forecast for semiconductors. I have been keeping abreast of industry trends. To some extent, we anticipated that there would be a high probability of a shortage of semiconductors this fiscal year, as in the previous year. So, instead of just jumping on new things right away, I made sure to secure the previous-generation semiconductors that I could reliably secure in quantity. This turned out to be a good prospect. and cooperation with suppliers.

Komatsu: We were able to sell what we got.

How 10-year-old MousePro copes with changes in 2021

-- The market conditions must have changed a lot from 10 years ago. I believe there was an original concept when MousePro was launched. Also, are there any interesting changes in the market that you are paying attention to?

Komatsu: The concept of the brand is basically the same as when it was launched. Compared to the beginning, the product lineup has increased and we have developed products that meet the needs, but MousePro basically faces the needs of "quality", "delivery" and "stable supply of products" that are the needs of corporate customers. I think I've been able to do it without blurring.

Kaneko: Looking back on the corporate PC market 10 years ago, the volume scale, marketing and sales strategies of each maker that did business on a global scale were overwhelming. At that time, the cheaper “Celeron” machine was the mainstream for corporate PCs. Therefore, MousePro is a little niche, but we have been delivering optimal products to customers who want to purchase "high performance at an affordable price" and who want to use it corely, taking advantage of our strength as a BTO manufacturer.

-- The performance of a Japanese company-supplied PC (laughs) Windows 7 won't run on this kind of CPU! I don't have enough memory! (Laughs) …I think this is something that all the office workers of the time would sympathize with.

Kaneko: Now, with the spread of online meetings and web applications due to the corona vortex, the number of people working from home has increased considerably. Therefore, I feel that the required specifications of customers who purchase for general business use are increasing (Core i5 or higher, memory 16GB, etc.). When choosing a personal computer, I feel that there is a tendency to choose one with high spec performance rather than simply price. MousePro's original concept of high performance at an affordable price comes to life.

-- How strong is the demand for telework now? In the first place, Japan had many problems with digitization and IT, and in recent words, DX in general. I feel that the tendency of Japanese people to DX onchi is still strong, and many people do not expect that it will return to crowded trains. Therefore, from the standpoint of a PC manufacturer, I think there is also a customer situation and accumulation. In Japan, can you feel any signs that efficient work styles that make full use of technology, such as telework, will take root?

Kaneko: I think the introduction of telework is becoming more established, especially in urban areas. In mouse computer PC sales, desktops and notebooks have reversed in the past year. What's amazing about this is that we originally sold desktops at 7:3. While overall PC sales have grown by 130% year-on-year, the demand for notebooks with web cameras is quite strong, which is exactly the demand for telework.

Kaneko: Also, listening to distributors (sales agents), DX is steadily progressing, especially in urban areas. There are also a large number of customers who want to earn money on their feet, so there are many people who think they will make the transition in the future. Isn't it going?

Kaneko: In addition, in the early days of the corona crisis, many customers chose notebook PCs because of their price (lowness) and compactness, but that trend is also increasing. It's changed. Practical efficiency has come to be emphasized, such as wanting a large screen or wanting an RJ terminal (wired LAN). The CPU is Core i5 or higher, and notebooks with GPUs are also selling well, and the telework shift has begun in manufacturing sites.

-- First of all, it was an emergency, and I was just buying equipment to make it in time for telework. You can see it.

Kaneko: Yes. I feel that customers are also seriously working on telework.

-- This is just for curiosity.

Komatsu: At the Tokyo head office, management units such as accounting, general affairs, and human resources have a high attendance rate, but other departments (sales department, purchasing department, sales office work, production system, etc.) , etc.), 90% of the staff has transitioned to telework.

-- 90% is a figure like your knees. I envy you (laughs).

Komatsu: I thought a lot about what to prioritize in this situation. Right now, the safety of our staff is our number one priority. Well received by employees, right?

Attendant Mouse Publicist: Yes (laughs). I think the work environment is very blessed because the company has provided devices quite well.

Business PC

Public Relations Officer Maus who was present: However, I think that my efficiency in concentrating on my work has improved, but there are still some issues, perhaps because I'm not used to it. When I went to work, I realized again that there was quite a lot of work to be done by picking up on each other's nuances as a team. Communication challenges need to be overcome.

Komatsu: Still more work to do. There are parts where efficiency goes up and parts where it goes down, and the efficiency of the meeting goes up considerably. It's a security issue. As much as security was properly implemented, there were areas where bottlenecks were created and efficiency decreased.

Komatsu: It's up to each individual, so it's also a challenge to have a work environment that can't be arranged. There is no place to work at home, and it depends on the living environment of the individual, so if the current situation continues, new preparations will be required to build the environment.

Komatsu: Also, when it comes to communication, there are quite difficult issues such as the importance of small talk and longing for others. Especially when newcomers come in.

Kaneko: It's really hard to "teach" a job. Remote training of new employees is full of challenges, isn't it?

MousePro's new challenge toward 20 years old

-- Among the needs of telework, the specifications required for products have changed significantly within a year. was an interesting story. Conversely, are there any products in the MousePro lineup that manufacturers are paying attention to?

Kaneko: In general, we recommend products with a Core i5 or higher CPU. Performance matters. Among them, I would like you to see the "MousePro NB4" series, which is a notebook PC with a 14-inch size that is easy to work with, is lightweight at just over 1kg, and features a long battery that lasts for a full day or more.

Kaneko: This is so sturdy that it has passed the reliability test of the MIL standard (MIL-STD-810G), so it's great as a business PC that doesn't feel good when it stops. It is also recommended as a PC for campus.

-- NB4 sure sounds good. I have tried using it at work, but it felt like it was versatile. It certainly looks good for campus. Speaking of campus, by the way, is the educational product in the category of MousePro?

Kaneko: Until now, we have been receiving inquiries for products from our creator PC brand "DAIV" and gaming PC brand "G-Tune" for education. . Since MousePro was launched there, the number of inquiries and purchases to MousePro has increased. Especially now that there is a GIGA school concept, demand is strong.

-- Regarding GIGA school, the momentum of Chromebook is amazing. I don't know if it's a number that can be made public, so I'll hide the specifics, but looking at the recent delivery situation that comes in secret, it's getting exciting that Windows may be quite dangerous. Mouse computer, Chromebook does not do?

Komatsu: That's a difficult question (laughs). Well, in general, Chromebooks have their strengths. Especially when considering the GIGA school of elementary and junior high schools, the ease of management introduction and the cost merits of both software and hardware are clear strengths. Of course, we are considering it from various aspects. Please forgive me for this (laughs).

-- Thank you (laughs)

-- While I'm at it, I digress from MousePro. First of all, there is the main line "mouse", "MousePro" for corporations, "G-Tune" for gaming that has been attracting attention in recent years, and "DAIV" for creators. As future possibilities, are there any new areas that you are discovering that could be added here?

Komatsu: If there is, you should already be doing it (laughs). If it looks promising, I want to launch it with a sense of urgency.

Komatsu: If we break it down a little further, we want to make workstations even more powerful. MousePro's workstation is still a part of the market, and the players who have been strong so far are still strong. And this is where Apple becomes a competitor. However, if there are big players, I would like to challenge this.

-- MousePro is 10 years old. What do you think you need in particular to grow into the next 10 years and into your 20s? Also, to the extent possible, please tell us about your product plans and direction.

Komatsu: The big direction is to stay consistent. We will basically follow what we have done so far, such as developing a model that matches the quality and business cycle, and will steadily implement it. Anyway, don't shake.

Komatsu: On the other hand, customer needs, usage, and requirements change in detail, so we will respond to them in a detailed and flexible manner. I will do this firmly.

Kaneko: Regarding the product. We plan to increase the number of mobile notebook options. As a slightly more specific example, as mentioned in this article, the average unit price of notebook PCs is rising as a result of increasing performance needs. On the other hand, there is definitely a need for so-called "100,000 yen depreciation" in Japanese companies. We would like to increase the number of products that satisfy performance even though they do not cost 100,000 yen.

Finally, from the mouse computer to the user

-- It's almost time. I would like to ask you about a very recent story, but in my image, Mouse Computer is a PC manufacturer that has placed particular importance on "points of contact with users." Until now, your company has received direct feedback from users through face-to-face events, etc., and used it in their products. The sales department has also met directly with customers to understand their needs. Due to this corona wreck, it has become very difficult to hold real events and face-to-face. I wonder if it will come back in the future. What is your outlook on this?

Komatsu: Right now, the thing I'm having the most trouble with is that "point of contact". It is very difficult to do business and marketing without having contact with people. We are trying to do things online in a certain way, but it is difficult to meet face-to-face. continue.

Komatsu: I think telework will continue even after the coronavirus is over. Among them, there are both advantages of offline and different advantages of online, and I am wondering if I can successfully hybridize them. The good thing about online is that you can have close communication by meeting face-to-face. The good thing about being offline is that you can increase your activity level because you don't have time to move around. We want to combine offline quality with offline opportunities.

-- As has been the case since the launch of MousePro, the Japanese market in particular has been in a difficult period for PC manufacturers for a long time. Therefore, a PC manufacturer like the mouse computer that has been moving forward is valuable. For President Komatsu, who led the mouse computer, what was the "origin of management" if you dare to put it in words?

Komatsu: First of all, I would like to say that there is still a lot to be done. The starting point for me is "customer satisfaction".

Komatsu: The starting point is customer needs rather than product-in. Now, our customers are satisfied, and we are able to deliver products firmly to satisfy those customers. This is the most important thing, and I want to do my best to keep it going. I think that the whole company has been doing this, and this is connected little by little, so I think I managed to do a personal computer even though it was tough.

-- This is the end. Although it is the norm, if you have any messages for users who are considering purchasing MousePro and readers who have read this article so far, please do so.

Komatsu: MousePro has a BTO supply system in domestic factories and provides 24-hour support. There may still be some shortcomings and weak points, but I am confident in the good balance of the product. Please consider it once. I hope you give it a try.

Kaneko: At MousePro, we are also strengthening our partnerships with retailers and distributors. For example, when dealers tell us that they would like to maintain the products they sell themselves, we respond flexibly so that we can cooperate effectively. MousePro's partner business talks are increasing, so we are also focusing on cooperation measures. We would also like to hear from our dealers and distributors.

Kaneko: Yes. Can I ask you one last question from here?

-- Yes. It's still okay.

Kaneko: In commemoration of MousePro's 10th anniversary, we are holding a PC purchase campaign. By the time this article is published, it has already started and is scheduled to run until the end of March 2021. We will sell special models for the 10th anniversary. Individual customers can also purchase it, so I want you to check it out.

-- Putting an advertisement at the end isn't a good business (laughs). [PR] Click here for details on the MousePro 10th anniversary campaign → (https://www.mouse-jp.co.jp/business/lp/10th_anniv/). It has become like a sudden new drama program in a TV program, but finally, thank you for today.

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