Baron Mamiya and Brissa Hennessy won "HURLEY PRO SUNSET BEACH"!| THE SURF NEWS "Surf News"

"G.oh.a.T』ことケリー・スレーター(USa)とワイルドカードのモアナ・ジョーンズ・ウォン(HaW)が優勝した開幕戦『Billabong Pro Pipeline』。2月15日〜18日に開催されたCT第2戦『Hurley Pro Sunset Beach』は全く違う展開となった。

Even in the same North Shore called Miracle 7 Miles, the pipeline and the sunset beach, which became the stage of this stage, has a completely different wave quality, and it is a menu bar in an open face.As I said in an interview before the event, "I know I hate sunset, and it's true."He committed the interfare in 32 and lost.In the end, only three heated yellow jersey became a phantom event.

Moana, who was only strong in the pipeline, also lacked the vividness on the sunset beach and lost in the R2 in the resurrection game.Conversely, it was a top stall that proved how special the pipeline was.

Kanoa is second in the world

Winning the world title in 2022 requires more constant results than winning a one event.First of all, in the first five races, the men's are in the top 24 people, and the minimum requirements to escape the mid -season cut.Then, in the second half of the races in the second half, it is a real game after standing on the stage of the final battle "WSL Final" in Trussels.

The 24 -year -old and CT 7 years of the fifty storm Kanoa (JPN) is one of the leading all -round players on tours, ranking fifth in Hawaii.In the sunset beach, two points were two points, and one of them issued the highest score for the event and advanced to the final.Unfortunately, his second CT championship has been deposited since the 2019 match against Clamas in Bali, but has reached second in the World Ranking.

"I'm happy. Hawaii is a really necessary place for me who grew up on Huntington Beach, and I've been going for years. I've been working on various issues as well as surfing, and the last few years.I'm working hard. I used to feel uncomfortable in Hawaii before, but now I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. It's a big meaning to get a score and results. "

The barrel technology on the pipeline was proved to be second in the rookie year, but the riding of Kanoa at this sunset beach was a style and power reminiscent of the past Mick Fanning.。The next stage is Portugal, which has a villa.It is a place that spent a lot of Corona evil, and is a good place to rank third in 2017 and 2019.There is a good chance of acquiring yellow jersey here.

Wild cards won for two consecutive races

パイプラインではウィメンズサイドでローカルのモアナが優勝。今回のサンセットビーチではメンズでバロン・マミヤ(HaW)が優勝とWild cards won for two consecutive races。メンズのワイルドカードがCT優勝を果たしたのは2008年のタヒチ戦、ブルーノ・サントス(BRa)以来と実に14年ぶりの快挙。CTの歴史に新たな記録が刻まれた。

"I really can't believe it. I thought the pipe would do better. I think that I can handle any condition on my own without having to prepare a pipe.I don't have a reality ... I would like to thank my mother and father, Sean Word for me. He has been with me since the first day and helped me even in painful. "Baron Mamiya

QFでは同じハワイアンのセス・モニーツを相手に序盤から主導権を握り、最後にはダメ押しの7ポイントで圧勝。カイオ・イベリ(BRa)とのSFではプライオリティを使用して確実にスコアを重ね、ラスト1分、ニード3.3 for situations in which 30 is required.He put out 87 and boiled the local cheering squad.

In the final with Kanoa, he performed a rayback that he had been hiding so far.It scores two eight points with power reminiscent of his senior local Pancho Sullivan, Sunny Garcia.When it was over, it was a victory for the combination.

『Hurley Pro Sunset Beach』はバロン・マミヤとブリッサ・ヘネシーが優勝! | THE SURF NEWS「サーフニュース」

"I was disappointed with the performance of the 2021 contest. There were many things that I couldn't win after returning from the injury and did not do what I wanted.I participated and got a wild card here. I'm really impressed "Baron Mamiya

Baron obtained yellow jersey in this championship.Although it has not been announced yet, it is expected that the next match against Portugal will be participated as a wildcard.

『Hurley Pro Sunset Beach』メンズ結果1位 バロン・マミヤ(HaW)2位 五十嵐カノア(JPN)3位 カイオ・イベリ(BRa)、イーサン・ユーイング(aUS)5位 エゼキエル・ラウ(HaW)、セス・モニーツ(HaW)、ジェイク・マーシャル(USa)、ジャック・ロビンソン(aUS)

Rookie's rise

On the women's side, rookies, which had been said to be the same before the season, have emerged.

Round of 16ではワールドチャンピオン&五輪金メダリストのカリッサ・ムーア(HaW)を始め、タティアナ・ウェストン・ウェブ(BRa)、ステファニー・ギルモア(aUS)、サリー・フィッツギボンズ(aUS)、レイキー・ピーターソン(USa)を全て5名のルーキーが倒したのだ。


Conversely, Stephanie, who missed the opening game by Corona, lost to Gabriela this time and finished ninth, is worried whether it will remain in the "mid -season cut" that will be cut from 18 to 12 people.She wants to pay attention to whether she is 34 years old and the oldest woman, Portugal, her two consecutive games in her own Australia.

"I was basically a strong wave and couldn't get the condition. The fight against Gabriel was unfortunate for me. I've always been surfing here. Early rounds.I lost, but I have to shake off such a defeat. I'm looking forward to going to Europe now. I'm just going to do something that I can do and survive. This year's rookie is from Hawaii.Many, they have a very strong legal legs. Looking back on their careers, they think about how advantageous it was to start a year with a home break. For those from Hawaii, the comfort of home breaks is.It's really wonderful "Stephanie Gilmore

Costa Rica's first CT championship


The first match -up is 5 points for Brissa and 6 points for Maria.In the middle stage, the brissa, which gave 5 points in the second half, did not extend in the middle, and brissa scored 7 points in the next waves with Maria's mistakes hit with the lip.At the same time as his first CT championship, he won the CT's first victory and a historic victory.

"I've always dreamed of this moment, but I didn't think it could be realized. I was very honored to play with Maria. She has a great relationship with this place. Everything involved in my life.I want to thank people. Thanks to those people who set on this stage today "Brissa Hennessy

In contrast to Baron, who was so impressed, Brissa responded to an interview immediately after winning with a smile.He will wear yellow jersey for the first time in the next match against Portugal.

これからツアー一行はポルトガルに飛び、3月3日〜13日に第3戦『MEoh Pro Portugal』が開催。その後、4月にはベルズ、マーガレットリバーの2連戦が行われ、前半の5戦が終了する。この折り返し地点で今シーズンから導入される「ミッドシーズンカット」が遂行され、残った選手は後半戦へ。脱落した選手はCS(チャレンジャー・シリーズ)で翌シーズンのクオリファイを目指すことになる。

CT第2戦『Hurley Pro Sunset Beach』ウィメンズ結果1位 ブリッサ・ヘネシー(CRI)2位 マリア・マニュエル(HaW)3位 ガブリエラ・ブライアン(HaW)、ベティルー・サクラ・ジョンソン(HaW)5位ジョアン・ディファイ(FRa)、ルアーナ・シルヴァ(HaW)、モリー・ピックラム(aUS)、インディア・ロビンソン(aUS)

WSL official website http: // www.WorldSurfleague.COM/


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