Challenge the "Balmudas Maho" iPhone. Design composed of "curves only"

For the first time, Balmuda, known for high -end home appliances, worked on a smartphone (smartphone).On November 16, 2021, the BALMUDA PHONE, which bears its name, was announced.From the 8th, on the official website, we announced that we will send you new smartphones.

It is a smartphone that incorporates a unique element, such as "configuring only curves".

「iPhone 13 mini」より小さい

「バルミューダスマホ」iPhoneに挑戦だ 「曲線だけ」で構成されたデザイン

The announcement states, "The main reason we want to recommend Balmuda Phone is its size."

The size is 123mm high (mm), 69 mm wide, 13 thick.7 mm.U.S. Apple "iPhone 13 Mini" (height 131).5 mm, width 64.2 mm, thickness 7.It is slightly smaller than 65 mm).According to the official website of SoftBank, which handles this terminal among major telecommunications companies, it is the "smallest size" for 5G (5th generation mobile communication system) compatible smartphones.

The back is curved to aim for a shape that fits in your hand, about 4.It is a design that depicts a gentle curve to a 9 -inch display.Until now, the only smartphone designed with a curve is only "BALMUDA PHONE".

If you swipe the "striped" part of the background, you can call a specific person, a camera with a "cooking mode" that captures the dishes deliciously, and the US dollar to the yen can be immediately converted from US dollar to yen.It is equipped with a memo app that allows you to freely change the location of the calculator and each memo, and visually learns the location of the memo, and a unique basic application.

【次のページ】OS(基本ソフト)はAndroid 11で、カラーはホワイトとブラックの...編集部おすすめ

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