I feel the improvement of development productivity!The charm of 64 -bit "Visual Studio 2022"

 The latest version of Microsoft's proud of the integrated development environment, Visual Studio 2022, has finally been released.In this major version upgrade, which has been pursuing development productivity improvement, it has finally realized 64 -bit, and has a new feature such as strengthening cooperation with GitHub and hot re -roads.And Visual Studio Code and browser -based Visual Studio Code for the Web (vscode.DEV), newly designed Mac version, and strengthened the lineup as a Visual Studio family.We asked Microsoft Corporation Akira Inoue and Microsoft Japan about the charm of Visual Studio 2022.

"64 -bit", which is also the significance of the major version upgrade

 "Visual Studio 6" released in 1998, packaging as an integrated development tool.Visual Studio has been steadily upgrading since 0.Comprehensively covers the work required for development not only in coding in various languages, but also for build, debugging, deployment, joint work, analysis, and learning.

 Until Visual Studio 2015, the package version was provided, but since 2017, it has been provided only on the download version.The previous version was Visual Studio 2019, which had no new features added for about two years, but has always been updating with an agile development system.

 The biggest feature of Visual Studio 2022, which dares to upgrade the major version upgrade, is 64 -bit.Many machines were equipped with large -capacity memory, and the OS was 64 -bit across the board, but Visual Studio had a long 32 -bit version.However, this time, the execution file (DEVENV).EXE) was provided as a 64 -bit version, making it possible to benefit from large -capacity memory.

The executable file of Visual Studio 2022 to the 64 -bit version

 Microsoft Corporation Global Black Belt Azure App Innovation Specialist Akira Inoue said, "It took time to develop, but when to provide at what timing,I did. "In that sense, it would be correct to say, "It's finally time."In fact, in Visual Studio 2022, the support OS does not work on Windows 10 or later and does not work on 32 -bit OS.

 Mr. Inoue said, "It is certain that the significance of major version upgrades is fading because it is developed every day. Visual Studio 2019 has been repeatedly upgraded. However, this is the major version upgrade this time.There is a large internal renewal, which is the transition from 32 -bit to 64 -bit version. "

Improvement of performance improvement 64 -bit

 The benefits of 64 -bit are, of course, improvement of performance."The startup speed is different, and the search speed in the editor is also faster. As the available memory space has expanded, a large -scale project consisting of many source codes is opened at high speed.You can do it. "Inoue appeals.

 In fact, when we measured the time to open 1600 large projects consisting of more than 300,000 files in Microsoft, Visual Studio 2019 took 6 minutes and 28 seconds, but 2022 was about 1/3 of 2 minutes and 39 seconds.It was opened."It will be about three times faster on average," it directly contributes to improving productivity.

 Not only the startup time, but also the time it takes to use the instisense described later in Unreal Engine, which is used in game development, has been reduced from 11 seconds to 1 second (Related article: [Visual Studio 2022] UNREAL ENGINE project.Intellisense has been 18 times faster!).

 "Japan Microsoft Cloud & Enterprise Marketing Headquarters Senior Product Manager Hagi Yokoi," "Recently, the project in enterprise has become large -scale, but can search for codes instead of external cache.The benefits are very large. I think you can feel the development of development productivity with the 64 -bit of Visual Studio 2022. "

 The same is true for Yokoi who is pleased with the 64 -bit of Visual Studio."Originally, I joined the company with the support of Visual Studio, but the 64 -bit design change Request has been rejected many times because of the improvements that are the basis of the software (laughs).The conversion is deeply moved.

GitHub cooperation and intellectuals are also easy to trial and error by enhanced hot trail

 The new version has been enhanced around the editor, and this time the cooperation with GitHub has been strengthened.For example, when starting a project, in addition to creating a new project or opening a local file, it can also be cloned by specifying a repository on GitHub directly.

You can clone directly from the GitHub repository (from Mr. Inoue's demonstration) 開発生産性の向上を実感!64ビット化した「Visual Studio 2022」の魅力

 Four years have passed since the acquisition of GitHub, and the importance of GitHub is increasing in Microsoft's strategy.Mr. Yokoi said, "For example, GitHub Enterprise has been bundled in some of the Visual Studio editions from October 2020. Github and Azuredevops have been integrated, and the two synergies have finally increased. Compared to 2019.I think you can feel the cooperation with GitHub.

 In the coding work, "Intellicode", which predicts the candidates for the next method to be entered, is also enhanced.In the context, the methods with high probability of entering are displayed one after another, so developers can quickly coding work without looking at documentation or API specifications.

 The new feature appealed in the Rouzi event is "Hot Road".In the past, when debugging during coding, it was necessary to attach a debugger from the menu to execute it, or run a program directly.When modifying the code again and changing the logic, the program was completed, and after modifying it, it had to build again to re -execute the program.

 In that regard, in the hot reload, the code can be updated and saved, and it can be reflected in the running program.This is a very useful update in terms of being able to concentrate on coding and repeat trial and error.In addition, two methods are supported, a method of automatically updating the hot trail when saving the file and the manually updating..Net 4.It can be used in 6 or later or in C ++ projects.

 The multi -platform support has also been strengthened.First of all, it became possible to build the application as a Linux container using the WSL function that operates Linux on Windows.Despite the development environment that operates on Windows, Linux can be developed seamlessly.Since the condition of the container that operates locally can be easily checked from the Visual Studio, cloud native application development can be performed more efficiently.

The Visual Studio family also expanded UI Mac version also appeared

 Visual Studio is the basics.Although it is a product with many Net developers and old users, the Visual Studio family also has a "Visual Studio Code" for Web developers.Visual Studio Code, a multi -platform code editor, is simpler than multifunctional Visual Studio and is lighter.On the other hand, the functions of team development are also substantial, so it is suitable for OSS -based team development.

 For Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code for the Web (vscode.DEV) was also released in October 2021.This is the lightweight Visual Studio code of the browser -based.You can also use Visual Studio Live Share, which opens and coded with a local machine, opens repositories and forks from GitHub, and facilitates joint development with team members.

 According to Yokoi, "I want to provide a serverless development environment for a long time as a Microsoft..DEV provides options other than installing and using it. "It is also recommended to use it properly depending on the use of the browser -based "GitHub Codespaces" (related article: Visual Studio Code for the Web (VSCODE).Dev) is now Public Preview).

 In fact, Mac users want to take in Microsoft in the future.This time, "Visual Studio 2022 for Mac" has been released as a preview version, but this is a reconstruction to support Apple M1 processor and Native UI for Mac OS.Mr. Yokoi said, "The use of the native UI of the Mac OS has speeded up the performance and the operability is also closer to the Windows version. It advocates multi -cloud and multi -platforms, so any developers use it.The Mac version is also promoting to develop a great development experience in the environment where you can get a great development experience. "

Visual Studio 2022 for Mac is redesigned from Ichi

 In the expansion of the Visual Studio family, you can feel the direction of Microsoft, mainly the source code managed on GitHub, and using easy -to -use development tools in the right place.

At first glance, is the new feature sober?"Heroes are only developers" in the background

 Visual Studio is a tool that has been used in the development of applications that run on Windows for a long time.For this reason, the main application is to develop business applications using WPF and Windows Forms, while more users are using Visual Studio in the development of web services, cloud, and IoT.

 For example, ASP.The movement to shift the on -premises web system developed on NET to the cloud is also accelerating."Visual Studio allows you to deploy the developed applications directly to Azure and Docker containers. You can deploy the system without being aware of on -premises and cloud using the manners you have learned so far."Inoue)

 Another tide is a mobile app.Visual Studio can develop mobile using C#using a framework called "Xamarin", but at the same time..With Net 6 upgraded, this mobile development has become easier."In recent years, developers need to face mobile apps. Even those who have written desktop apps in C#so far are creating Android and iOS native applications using Visual Studio.Inoue explains.

 Overall, the appeal of Visual Studio 2022 is that all of the power that Microsoft has at the moment is poured on the theme of improving development productivity."If I listed new features other than 64 -bit, I was told from the company," Isn't it a little sober? "(Laughs).Yokoi says.

 The historic Visual Studio has the fate of "needing to change" as a leading development tool that leads to the market, but does not confuse existing users, so it is "required to change."In fact, the appearance of icons and fonts has changed with universal design, but few users may notice.However, the developer who actually touched it has noticed that this version upgrade has not been blurred by one millimeter from the goal of improving productivity."The hero is just a developer, so we don't appeal to the new features," says Yokoi.It is a Visual Studio version upgrade like Microsoft.

 At "Microsoft Developer Day" to be held on February 3rd, these Visual Studio 2022.There will also be a session on Microsoft's latest development platform including Net 6, so if you are interested, please join us.

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[Participation fee free] February 3rd 13:00 -held online technical event by developers for Microsoft Developer Day developers.Visual Studio 2022 for all developers who are challenged every day.We will deliver the latest technical information such as Net 6, GitHub Enterprise, Azure.Click here to apply

[Community Event] February 3 18:30 -Held Microsoft Developer Night Event for the Technical Community "Microsoft Developer Night".This event, which can be said to be the "Night Club", is composed of sessions on various development technologies, including contents that are not planned for Microsoft Developer Day, such as Java, web development, AI, IoT, and Mixed Reality,I will explain the technical knowledge of.Click here to apply

(Provided by Microsoft Japan)

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